On the consistency of context-aware systems

Y Limón, E Bárcenas… - Journal of Intelligent …, 2018‏ - content.iospress.com
Context-aware systems are ubiquitous computing systems capable to adapt themselves to a
dynamically changing environment. Ensuring consistency in context-aware systems has …

Mu-calculus satisfiability with arithmetic constraints

Y Limón, E Bárcenas, E Benítez-Guerrero… - … and Computer Software, 2020‏ - Springer
The propositional modal μ-calculus is a well-known specification language for labeled
transition systems. In this work, we study an extension of this logic with converse modalities …

A satisfiability algorithm for the mu-calculus for trees with presburger constraints

Y Limón, E Benítez-Guerrero… - 2019 7th …, 2019‏ - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The μ-calculus is an expressive modal logic with fixed-point operators, well-known as a
formal language to specify and verify labeled transition systems. We describe a satisfiability …

[PDF][PDF] Consistency checking of attention aware systems.

Y Limón, E Bárcenas, E Benítez-Guerrero, J Gomez… - LANMR, 2019‏ - ceur-ws.org
Attention aware systems keep track of users attention in order to react and provide a better
interaction experience. In the educational setting, recent research results have showed …

[HTML][HTML] Выполнимость мю-исчисления с арифметическими ограничениями

Й Лимон, Э Барсенас… - Труды Института …, 2021‏ - cyberleninka.ru
Пропозициональное модальное µ-исчисление является хорошо известным языком
спецификаций систем помеченных переходов. В этой работе мы изучаем расширение …

Development of Student's Enrolment System Using Depth-first Search Algorithm

AQ Hadi, ZA Abbas, ZM Hilal - Next Generation of Internet of Things …, 2022‏ - Springer
This paper presents a new electronic system that uses technology which is the student
enrolment system (SES) used at the University of Technology (Baghdad). The work aims to …

Expressive context modeling with description logics

R Ramírez-Rueda, E Bárcenas… - Knowledge Graphs and …, 2019‏ - Springer
Modeling and verification of context-aware systems have been proven to be a challenging
task mainly because expressive modeling implies, in most cases, expensive verification …

Mu-calculus satisfiability with arithmetic constraints

Y Limón-Priego… - … of the Institute for …, 2021‏ - ispranproceedings.elpub.ru
The propositional modal μ-calculus is a well-known specification language for labeled
transition systems. In this work, we study an extension of this logic with converse modalities …

Expressive Context Modeling with Description Logics

G Molero-Castillo - Knowledge Graphs and Semantic Web‏ - Springer
Modeling and verification of context-aware systems have been proven to be a challenging
task mainly because expressive modeling implies, in most cases, expensive verification …

Expressive Context Modeling

R Ramírez-Rueda¹, E Bárcenas… - … Graphs and Semantic …, 2019‏ - books.google.com
Modeling and verification of context-aware systems have been proven to be a challenging
task mainly because expressive modeling implies, in most cases, expensive verification …