Atlantic bluefin tuna: population dynamics, ecology, fisheries and management
JM Fromentin, JE Powers - Fish and fisheries, 2005 - Wiley Online Library
Both old and new information on the biology and ecology of Atlantic bluefin tuna have
confronted scientists with research challenges: research needs to be connected to current …
confronted scientists with research challenges: research needs to be connected to current …
[PDF][PDF] Ecology and conservation of common bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus in the Mediterranean Sea
Bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus are amongst the best-known cetaceans. In the
Mediterranean Sea, however, modern field studies of cetaceans did not start until the late …
Mediterranean Sea, however, modern field studies of cetaceans did not start until the late …
Electronic tagging and population structure of Atlantic bluefin tuna
Electronic tags that archive or transmit stored data to satellites have advanced the map**
of habitats used by highly migratory fish in pelagic ecosystems,,,,,. Here we report on the …
of habitats used by highly migratory fish in pelagic ecosystems,,,,,. Here we report on the …
Life History and Stock Structure of Atlantic Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus thynnus)
Our understanding of the biology of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) has increased
profoundly in the last decade, and the progress is attributed to the development and …
profoundly in the last decade, and the progress is attributed to the development and …
Conservation implications of complex population structure: lessons from the loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta)
Complex population structure can result from either sex‐biased gene flow or population
overlap during migrations. Loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) have both traits, providing an …
overlap during migrations. Loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) have both traits, providing an …
DNA barcoding reveals a high incidence of fish species misrepresentation and substitution on the South African market
DM Cawthorn, HA Steinman, RC Witthuhn - Food Research International, 2012 - Elsevier
The mislabelling of fishery products has emerged as a serious problem on global markets,
raising the need for the development of analytical tools for species authentication. DNA …
raising the need for the development of analytical tools for species authentication. DNA …
Comparative phylogeography of Atlantic bluefin tuna and swordfish: the combined effects of vicariance, secondary contact, introgression, and population expansion …
Comparative phylogeography has revealed remarkable patterns of concordance in the
maternal phylogenies of many species. The phylogeography and historical demography of …
maternal phylogenies of many species. The phylogeography and historical demography of …
Genetic analysis reveals population structure and recent migration within the highly fragmented range of the Cross River gorilla (Gorilla gorilla diehli)
Recently developed methods of individual‐based analysis of genetic data allow an
unprecedented opportunity to understand the relationships among fragmented populations …
unprecedented opportunity to understand the relationships among fragmented populations …
Low worldwide genetic diversity in the basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus)
The basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus) is found in temperate waters throughout the
world's oceans, and has been subjected to extensive exploitation in some regions. However …
world's oceans, and has been subjected to extensive exploitation in some regions. However …
Evolutionary and ecological constraints of fish spawning habitats
L Ciannelli, K Bailey, EM Olsen - ICES Journal of Marine …, 2015 - academic.oup.com
For marine fish, the choice of the spawning location may be the only means to fulfil the dual
needs of surviving from the egg to juvenile stage and dispersing across different habitats …
needs of surviving from the egg to juvenile stage and dispersing across different habitats …