Recent computational developments in Krylov subspace methods for linear systems
Many advances in the development of Krylov subspace methods for the iterative solution of
linear systems during the last decade and a half are reviewed. These new developments …
linear systems during the last decade and a half are reviewed. These new developments …
Computational methods for large-scale inverse problems: a survey on hybrid projection methods
This paper surveys an important class of methods that combine iterative projection methods
and variational regularization methods for large-scale inverse problems. Iterative methods …
and variational regularization methods for large-scale inverse problems. Iterative methods …
[CARTE][B] Parameter estimation and inverse problems
Parameter Estimation and Inverse Problems, Third Edition, is structured around a course at
New Mexico Tech and is designed to be accessible to typical graduate students in the …
New Mexico Tech and is designed to be accessible to typical graduate students in the …
[PDF][PDF] The L-curve and its use in the numerical treatment of inverse problems
PC Hansen - 1999 -
The L-curve is a log-log plot of the norm of a regularized solution versus the norm of the
corresponding residual norm. It is a convenient graphical tool for displaying the trade-off …
corresponding residual norm. It is a convenient graphical tool for displaying the trade-off …
Three-dimensional modelling and inversion of DC resistivity data incorporating topography—II. Inversion
T Günther, C Rücker, K Spitzer - Geophysical Journal …, 2006 -
We present a novel technique for the determination of resistivity structures associated with
arbitrary surface topography. The approach represents a triple-grid inversion technique that …
arbitrary surface topography. The approach represents a triple-grid inversion technique that …
Choosing regularization parameters in iterative methods for ill-posed problems
Numerical solution of ill-posed problems is often accomplished by discretization (projection
onto a finite dimensional subspace) followed by regularization. If the discrete problem has …
onto a finite dimensional subspace) followed by regularization. If the discrete problem has …
[PDF][PDF] A modified finite Newton method for fast solution of large scale linear SVMs
SS Keerthi, D DeCoste - Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2005 -
This paper develops a fast method for solving linear SVMs with L 2 loss function that is
suited for large scale data mining tasks such as text classification. This is done by modifying …
suited for large scale data mining tasks such as text classification. This is done by modifying …
[PDF][PDF] A weighted GCV method for Lanczos hybrid regularization
Lanczos-hybrid regularization methods have been proposed as effective approaches for
solving largescale ill-posed inverse problems. Lanczos methods restrict the solution to lie in …
solving largescale ill-posed inverse problems. Lanczos methods restrict the solution to lie in …
Tikhonov regularization of large linear problems
D Calvetti, L Reichel - BIT Numerical Mathematics, 2003 - Springer
Many numerical methods for the solution of linear ill-posed problems apply Tikhonov
regularization. This paper presents a new numerical method, based on Lanczos …
regularization. This paper presents a new numerical method, based on Lanczos …
Numerical methods for the QCDd overlap operator. I. Sign-function and error bounds
J van den Eshof, A Frommer, T Lippert… - Computer physics …, 2002 - Elsevier
The numerical and computational aspects of the overlap formalism in lattice quantum
chromodynamics are extremely demanding due to a matrix–vector product that involves the …
chromodynamics are extremely demanding due to a matrix–vector product that involves the …