Recent computational developments in Krylov subspace methods for linear systems

V Simoncini, DB Szyld - Numerical Linear Algebra with …, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
Many advances in the development of Krylov subspace methods for the iterative solution of
linear systems during the last decade and a half are reviewed. These new developments …

Computational methods for large-scale inverse problems: a survey on hybrid projection methods

J Chung, S Gazzola - Siam Review, 2024 - SIAM
This paper surveys an important class of methods that combine iterative projection methods
and variational regularization methods for large-scale inverse problems. Iterative methods …

[CARTE][B] Parameter estimation and inverse problems

RC Aster, B Borchers, CH Thurber - 2018 -
Parameter Estimation and Inverse Problems, Third Edition, is structured around a course at
New Mexico Tech and is designed to be accessible to typical graduate students in the …

[PDF][PDF] The L-curve and its use in the numerical treatment of inverse problems

PC Hansen - 1999 -
The L-curve is a log-log plot of the norm of a regularized solution versus the norm of the
corresponding residual norm. It is a convenient graphical tool for displaying the trade-off …

Three-dimensional modelling and inversion of DC resistivity data incorporating topography—II. Inversion

T Günther, C Rücker, K Spitzer - Geophysical Journal …, 2006 -
We present a novel technique for the determination of resistivity structures associated with
arbitrary surface topography. The approach represents a triple-grid inversion technique that …

Choosing regularization parameters in iterative methods for ill-posed problems

ME Kilmer, DP O'Leary - SIAM Journal on matrix analysis and applications, 2001 - SIAM
Numerical solution of ill-posed problems is often accomplished by discretization (projection
onto a finite dimensional subspace) followed by regularization. If the discrete problem has …

[PDF][PDF] A modified finite Newton method for fast solution of large scale linear SVMs

SS Keerthi, D DeCoste - Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2005 -
This paper develops a fast method for solving linear SVMs with L 2 loss function that is
suited for large scale data mining tasks such as text classification. This is done by modifying …

[PDF][PDF] A weighted GCV method for Lanczos hybrid regularization

J Chung, JG Nagy, DP O'leary - Electronic Transactions on …, 2008 -
Lanczos-hybrid regularization methods have been proposed as effective approaches for
solving largescale ill-posed inverse problems. Lanczos methods restrict the solution to lie in …

Tikhonov regularization of large linear problems

D Calvetti, L Reichel - BIT Numerical Mathematics, 2003 - Springer
Many numerical methods for the solution of linear ill-posed problems apply Tikhonov
regularization. This paper presents a new numerical method, based on Lanczos …

Numerical methods for the QCDd overlap operator. I. Sign-function and error bounds

J van den Eshof, A Frommer, T Lippert… - Computer physics …, 2002 - Elsevier
The numerical and computational aspects of the overlap formalism in lattice quantum
chromodynamics are extremely demanding due to a matrix–vector product that involves the …