Dryland productivity under a changing climate
Understanding dryland dynamics is essential to predict future climate trajectories. However,
there remains large uncertainty on the extent to which drylands are expanding or greening …
there remains large uncertainty on the extent to which drylands are expanding or greening …
Biogeography of global drylands
Despite their extent and socio‐ecological importance, a comprehensive biogeographical
synthesis of drylands is lacking. Here we synthesize the biogeography of key organisms …
synthesis of drylands is lacking. Here we synthesize the biogeography of key organisms …
Microbial diversity drives multifunctionality in terrestrial ecosystems
Despite the importance of microbial communities for ecosystem services and human
welfare, the relationship between microbial diversity and multiple ecosystem functions and …
welfare, the relationship between microbial diversity and multiple ecosystem functions and …
Drought effects on soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics in global natural ecosystems
Extreme droughts have serious impacts on the pools, fluxes and processes of terrestrial
carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) cycles. A deep understanding is necessary to explore the …
carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) cycles. A deep understanding is necessary to explore the …
A review of soil carbon dynamics resulting from agricultural practices
Literature related to the carbon cycle and climate contains contradictory results with regard
to whether agricultural practices increase or mitigate emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs) …
to whether agricultural practices increase or mitigate emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs) …
Field experiments have enhanced our understanding of drought impacts on terrestrial ecosystems—But where do we go from here?
We review results from field experiments that simulate drought, an ecologically impactful
global change threat that is predicted to increase in magnitude, extent, duration and …
global change threat that is predicted to increase in magnitude, extent, duration and …
[CARTE][B] Biological soil crusts as an organizing principle in drylands
Biological soil crusts (biocrusts) have been present on Earth's terrestrial surfaces for billions
of years. They are a critical part of ecosystem processes in dryland regions, as they cover …
of years. They are a critical part of ecosystem processes in dryland regions, as they cover …
Improving crop yield and nutrient use efficiency via biofertilization—A global meta-analysis
The application of microbial inoculants (biofertilizers) is a promising technology for future
sustainable farming systems in view of rapidly decreasing phosphorus stocks and the need …
sustainable farming systems in view of rapidly decreasing phosphorus stocks and the need …
High intensity perturbations induce an abrupt shift in soil microbial state
Soil microbial communities play a pivotal role in regulating ecosystem functioning. But they
are increasingly being shaped by human-induced environmental change, including intense …
are increasingly being shaped by human-induced environmental change, including intense …
Addressing agricultural nitrogen losses in a changing climate
Losses of nitrogen from agriculture are a major threat to environmental and human health at
local, regional and global scales. Emerging evidence shows that climate change and …
local, regional and global scales. Emerging evidence shows that climate change and …