Heavy metal contamination status in Greek surface waters: A review with application and evaluation of pollution indices
Heavy metal contamination of the aquatic environment is of worldwide concern, due to the
toxicity of metals and their lethal effects on aquatic organisms. The investigation of heavy …
toxicity of metals and their lethal effects on aquatic organisms. The investigation of heavy …
Environmental health and risk assessment metrics with special mention to biotransfer, bioaccumulation and biomagnification of environmental pollutants
R Chormare, MA Kumar - Chemosphere, 2022 - Elsevier
The environment pollutants, which are landed up in environment because of human
activities like urbanization, mining and industrializations, affects human health, plants and …
activities like urbanization, mining and industrializations, affects human health, plants and …
Indices of soil contamination by heavy metals–methodology of calculation for pollution assessment (minireview)
HD Weissmannová, J Pavlovský - Environmental monitoring and …, 2017 - Springer
This article provides the assessment of heavy metal soil pollution with using the calculation
of various pollution indices and contains also summarization of the sources of heavy metal …
of various pollution indices and contains also summarization of the sources of heavy metal …
A new index for assessing heavy metals contamination in sediments: A case study
In this study, heavy metals contamination in surface sediments of northwest Persian Gulf
was investigated and a new index was formulated for assessing severity of heavy metal …
was investigated and a new index was formulated for assessing severity of heavy metal …
Spatial distribution, ecological and health risk assessment of heavy metals in marine surface sediments and coastal seawaters of fringing coral reefs of the Persian …
Concentrations of 13 heavy metals (Al, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Cr, Co, Ni, V, As, Cd, Hg, Pb) in 360
reef surface sediments (0–5 cm) and coastal seawater samples from ten coral Islands in the …
reef surface sediments (0–5 cm) and coastal seawater samples from ten coral Islands in the …
Preliminary assessment of heavy metal contamination in surface sediments from a river in Bangladesh
Contamination of heavy metals in sediment is regarded as a major crisis globally, with a
large SHARE in develo** countries, such as Bangladesh. The objective of this study is to …
large SHARE in develo** countries, such as Bangladesh. The objective of this study is to …
Distribution and accumulation of heavy metals in the sediments of Kaohsiung Harbor, Taiwan
The distribution, enrichment, and accumulation of heavy metals in the sediments, especially
those at the vicinity of tributary estuaries of Kaohsiung Harbor, Taiwan were investigated …
those at the vicinity of tributary estuaries of Kaohsiung Harbor, Taiwan were investigated …
Geochemical characteristics, partitioning, quantitative source apportionment, and ecological and health risk of heavy metals in sediments and water: A case study in …
Heavy metal concentrations were investigated in water and sediments of Shadegan Wetland
southwest of Iran to assess the fate, partitioning, and risk assessment and also to quantify …
southwest of Iran to assess the fate, partitioning, and risk assessment and also to quantify …
Emerging contaminants (pharmaceuticals, personal care products, a food additive and pesticides) in waters of Sydney estuary, Australia
The current investigation of marine water from 30 sites adjacent to stormwater outlets across
the entire Sydney estuary is the first such research in Australia. The number of analytes …
the entire Sydney estuary is the first such research in Australia. The number of analytes …
Potential ecological risk of heavy metals in sediments from the Mediterranean coast, Egypt
Abstract Background and aim Mediterranean Sea, Egypt is an economically important
marine environment. During the last decades there has been extensive increase in the …
marine environment. During the last decades there has been extensive increase in the …