[HTML][HTML] Recent strategies for bioremediation of emerging pollutants: a review for a green and sustainable environment
Environmental pollution brought on by xenobiotics and other related recalcitrant compounds
have recently been identified as a major risk to both human health and the natural …
have recently been identified as a major risk to both human health and the natural …
Bioremediation of environmental wastes: the role of microorganisms
The growing rate of urbanization and industrialization has led to an increase in several types
of pollution caused by the release of toxic chemicals to the environment. This is usually …
of pollution caused by the release of toxic chemicals to the environment. This is usually …
Remediation techniques for elimination of heavy metal pollutants from soil: A review
Contaminated soil containing toxic metals and metalloids is found everywhere globally. As a
consequence of adsorption and precipitation reactions, metals are comparatively immobile …
consequence of adsorption and precipitation reactions, metals are comparatively immobile …
Recent progress and prospects in catalytic water treatment
Presently, conventional technologies in water treatment are not efficient enough to
completely mineralize refractory water contaminants. In this context, the implementation of …
completely mineralize refractory water contaminants. In this context, the implementation of …
Heavy metals and arsenic stress in food crops: Elucidating antioxidative defense mechanisms in hyperaccumulators for food security, agricultural sustainability, and …
The spread of heavy metal (loid) s at soil-food crop interfaces has become a threat to
sustainable agricultural productivity, food security, and human health. The eco-toxic effects …
sustainable agricultural productivity, food security, and human health. The eco-toxic effects …
Challenges and opportunities in bioremediation of micro-nano plastics: A review
Rising level of micro-nano plastics (MNPs) in the natural ecosystem adversely impact the
health of the environment and living organisms globally. MNPs enter in to the agro …
health of the environment and living organisms globally. MNPs enter in to the agro …
[HTML][HTML] Antibiotics bioremediation: Perspectives on its ecotoxicity and resistance
Antibiotic is one of the most significant discoveries and have brought a revolution in the field
of medicine for human therapy. In addition to the medical uses, antibiotics have broad …
of medicine for human therapy. In addition to the medical uses, antibiotics have broad …
[HTML][HTML] Bacterial adaptive strategies to cope with metal toxicity in the contaminated environment–A review
Heavy metal contamination poses a serious environmental hazard, globally necessitating
intricate attention. Heavy metals can cause deleterious health hazards to humans and other …
intricate attention. Heavy metals can cause deleterious health hazards to humans and other …
[HTML][HTML] Microbial remediation: a promising tool for reclamation of contaminated sites with special emphasis on heavy metal and pesticide pollution: a review
Heavy metal and pesticide pollution have become an inevitable part of the modern
industrialized environment that find their way into all ecosystems. Because of their persistent …
industrialized environment that find their way into all ecosystems. Because of their persistent …
CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated genetically edited ornamental and aromatic plants: A promising technology in phytoremediation of heavy metals
Phytoremediation, as a green, sustainable, and cost-effective plant-based remediation
technology has garnered great attention for remediating heavy metals (HMs) from polluted …
technology has garnered great attention for remediating heavy metals (HMs) from polluted …