[HTML][HTML] A review of remote sensing for mangrove forests: 1956–2018
Mangrove forests are highly productive ecosystems that typically dominate the intertidal
zone of tropical and subtropical coastlines. The history of mangrove remote sensing (RS) …
zone of tropical and subtropical coastlines. The history of mangrove remote sensing (RS) …
Individual mangrove tree measurement using UAV-based LiDAR data: Possibilities and challenges
Individual mangrove tree parameters are necessary for the efficient management and
protection of this unique ecosystem, but to measure them using remote sensing (RS) is still a …
protection of this unique ecosystem, but to measure them using remote sensing (RS) is still a …
Mangrove reforestation provides greater blue carbon benefit than afforestation for mitigating global climate change
Significant efforts have been invested to restore mangrove forests worldwide through
reforestation and afforestation. However, blue carbon benefit has not been compared …
reforestation and afforestation. However, blue carbon benefit has not been compared …
[HTML][HTML] Quantifying scattering characteristics of mangrove species from Optuna-based optimal machine learning classification using multi-scale feature selection and …
Mangroves play a significant role in carbon sequestration and storage. Map** mangrove
species and monitoring their conditions have been a crucial issue for achieving sustainable …
species and monitoring their conditions have been a crucial issue for achieving sustainable …
China's wetlands loss to urban expansion
Humans benefit from multiple ecosystem services of wetlands, but massive wetland loss has
occurred worldwide due to rapid urbanization. To assess the problem, it is necessary to …
occurred worldwide due to rapid urbanization. To assess the problem, it is necessary to …
Monitoring loss and recovery of mangrove forests during 42 years: The achievements of mangrove conservation in China
Mangroves are valuable ecosystems that have been protected and restored for decades in
China. However, little is known about achievements of China's mangrove conservation …
China. However, little is known about achievements of China's mangrove conservation …
[HTML][HTML] A new vegetation index to detect periodically submerged mangrove forest using single-tide Sentinel-2 imagery
Mangrove forests are tropical trees and shrubs that grow in sheltered intertidal zones.
Accurate map** of mangrove forests is a great challenge for remote sensing because …
Accurate map** of mangrove forests is a great challenge for remote sensing because …
[HTML][HTML] Future simulation of land use changes in rapidly urbanizing South China based on land change modeler and remote sensing data
Landscape transformations in rapidly urbanizing Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao
(GHKM) regions of South China represent the most complex and dynamic processes …
(GHKM) regions of South China represent the most complex and dynamic processes …
[HTML][HTML] Development of spectral-phenological features for deep learning to understand Spartina alterniflora invasion
Invasive Spartina alterniflora (S. alterniflora), a native riparian species in the US Gulf of
Mexico, has led to serious degradation to the ecosystem and biodiversity as well as …
Mexico, has led to serious degradation to the ecosystem and biodiversity as well as …
Increasing fragmentation and squeezing of coastal wetlands: Status, drivers, and sustainable protection from the perspective of remote sensing
Coastal wetlands are of great ecological and economic value but face significant
degradation and losses because of human activities. Nevertheless, the changes in …
degradation and losses because of human activities. Nevertheless, the changes in …