Gains and gaps in knowledge surrounding freshwater mollusk ecosystem services
Ecosystems provide essential services to people including food, water, climate regulation,
and aesthetic experiences. Biodiversity can enhance and stabilize ecosystem function and …
and aesthetic experiences. Biodiversity can enhance and stabilize ecosystem function and …
[HTML][HTML] Nutrient enrichment and herbivory alter carbon balance in temperate seagrass communities
Large nutrient levels and herbivory stress, particularly when acting together, drive a variety
of responses in seagrass communities that ultimately may weaken their carbon balance. An …
of responses in seagrass communities that ultimately may weaken their carbon balance. An …
Aggregated filter‐feeders govern the flux and stoichiometry of locally available energy and nutrients in rivers
Biogeochemical cycling has often been characterized by physical and microbial processes,
yet animals can be essential mediators of energy and nutrients in ecosystems. Excretion by …
yet animals can be essential mediators of energy and nutrients in ecosystems. Excretion by …
Dissolved organic matter transformations in a freshwater rivermouth
River-to-lake transitional areas are biogeochemically active ecosystems that can alter the
amount and composition of dissolved organic matter (DOM) as it moves through the aquatic …
amount and composition of dissolved organic matter (DOM) as it moves through the aquatic …
Ecological significance of autotroph–heterotroph microbial interactions in freshwaters
Ecologists often separate pathways of energy flow into those based on either autotrophy
(green) or heterotrophy (brown). While these two pathways are easily separated by concept …
(green) or heterotrophy (brown). While these two pathways are easily separated by concept …
Stream macroinvertebrates and carbon cycling in tangled food webs
The annual global loss of organic carbon from terrestrial ecosystems into rivers is similar to
the organic carbon stored in soils each year. Dissolved organic matter (DOM) flows through …
the organic carbon stored in soils each year. Dissolved organic matter (DOM) flows through …
Animal aggregations promote emergent aquatic plant production at the aquatic–terrestrial interface
The roles mobile animals and abiotic processes play as vectors for resource transfers
between ecosystems (“subsidies”) are well studied, but the idea that resources from animals …
between ecosystems (“subsidies”) are well studied, but the idea that resources from animals …
Ecosystem effects of intraspecific variation in a colour polymorphic amphibian
ST Giery, RK Sloan, J Watson… - … of the Royal …, 2024 - royalsocietypublishing.org
An emerging consensus suggests that evolved intraspecific variation can be ecologically
important. However, evidence that evolved trait variation within vertebrates can influence …
important. However, evidence that evolved trait variation within vertebrates can influence …
Top‐down effects of filter‐feeding fish and bivalves moderate bottom‐up effects of nutrients on phytoplankton in subtropical shallow lakes: An outdoor mesocosm …
Biomanipulation has been widely used in the ecological restoration of eutrophic lakes for
decades. However, biomanipulation is prone to failure if external nutrient loads are not …
decades. However, biomanipulation is prone to failure if external nutrient loads are not …
Freshwater mussels promote functional redundancy in sediment microbial communities under different nutrient regimes
Animals are a critical component of biogeochemical cycles. While animal mediated fluxes of
nutrients and energy have received considerable attention, the impacts of these fluxes on …
nutrients and energy have received considerable attention, the impacts of these fluxes on …