Comparative ecology of widely distributed pelagic fish species in the North Atlantic: implications for modelling climate and fisheries impacts

VM Trenkel, G Huse, BR MacKenzie, P Alvarez… - Progress in …, 2014‏ - Elsevier
This paper reviews the current knowledge on the ecology of widely distributed pelagic fish
stocks in the North Atlantic basin with emphasis on their role in the food web and the factors …

Underwater acoustics for ecosystem-based management: state of the science and proposals for ecosystem indicators

VM Trenkel, PH Ressler, M Jech… - Marine Ecology …, 2011‏ -
Ecosystem-based management (EBM) requires more extensive information than single-
species management. Active underwater acoustic methods provide a means of collecting a …

A spatial ecosystem and populations dynamics model (SEAPODYM)–Modeling of tuna and tuna-like populations

P Lehodey, I Senina, R Murtugudde - Progress in Oceanography, 2008‏ - Elsevier
An enhanced version of the spatial ecosystem and population dynamics model SEAPODYM
is presented to describe spatial dynamics of tuna and tuna-like species in the Pacific Ocean …

Forage fauna in the diet of three large pelagic fishes (lancetfish, swordfish and yellowfin tuna) in the western equatorial Indian Ocean

M Potier, F Marsac, Y Cherel, V Lucas, R Sabatié… - Fisheries …, 2007‏ - Elsevier
Prey composition and resource partitioning were investigated among three large pelagic fish
predators, yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares), swordfish (**phias gladius) and lancetfish …

Impact of declining intermediate-water oxygen on deepwater fishes in the California Current

JA Koslow, R Goericke, A Lara-Lopez… - Marine Ecology Progress …, 2011‏ -
Although declining oxygen concentration has been reported for the oxygen minimum zones
(OMZs) of the tropical oceans and the North Pacific Ocean, consistent with model predictions …

Foraging strategy of a top predator in tropical waters: great frigatebirds in the Mozambique Channel

H Weimerskirch, M Le Corre, S Jaquemet… - … ecology progress series, 2004‏ -
Although oceanic tropical waters occupy almost 50% of the total area of pelagic oceans,
knowledge of the foraging ecology of top predators in these low productivity waters is …

Resource partitioning within a tropical seabird community: new information from stable isotopes

Y Cherel, M Le Corre, S Jaquemet, F Ménard… - Marine Ecology …, 2008‏ -
Characteristics of the tropical oceanic environment (low productivity, little seasonality) and
poor diversity of tropical seabird foraging methods and prey relative to temperate and polar …

[PDF][PDF] Bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) behavior and physiology and their relevance to stock assessments and fishery biology

RW Brill, KA Bigelow, MK Musyl… - Col. Vol. Sci. Pap …, 2005‏ -
Bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) have distinctive depth distributions and vertical movement
patterns. They remain in the uniformed temperature surface layer at night and can descend …

Food-web inferences of stable isotope spatial patterns in copepods and yellowfin tuna in the pelagic eastern Pacific Ocean

RJ Olson, BN Popp, BS Graham… - Progress in …, 2010‏ - Elsevier
Evaluating the impacts of climate and fishing on oceanic ecosystems requires an improved
understanding of the trophodynamics of pelagic food webs. Our approach was to examine …

Distribution, vertical migration, and trophic ecology of lanternfishes (Myctophidae) in the Southwestern Tropical Atlantic

LN Eduardo, A Bertrand, MM Mincarone… - Progress in …, 2021‏ - Elsevier
Lanternfishes (Myctophidae) are among the most abundant, widespread, and diverse fish
groups in the world ocean. They account for a significant part of oceanic fish biomass and …