A systematic review of dating violence risk factors among undergraduate college students

A Duval, BA Lanning… - Trauma, Violence, & …, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
College students are a vulnerable population for dating violence (DV) because of the social
environment in which they live and interact with other students. Campus climate surveys are …

Reimagining the study of campus sexual assault

JC Harris, KP Cobian, N Karunaratne - Higher Education: Handbook of …, 2020 - Springer
To work toward the effective eradication of campus sexual assault (CSA), it is imperative that
scholars, practitioners, and policymakers gain a better understanding of what is known, via …

[КНИГА][B] Reclaiming the night-time economy: Unwanted sexual attention in pubs and clubs

B Fileborn - 2016 - books.google.com
This book explores young adults' experiences and understandings of sexualised violence
within licensed venues. Although anecdotally common, unwanted sexual attention in pubs …

Men's perceptions of an acquaintance rape: The role of relationship length, victim resistance, and gender role attitudes

DJ Angelone, D Mitchell… - Journal of interpersonal …, 2015 - journals.sagepub.com
Sexual aggression is a persistent and prevalent issue in the United States, which often
results in a number of psychological, emotional, and physical consequences for victims. The …

College students' attitudes toward intimate partner violence: A comparative study of China and the US

K Lin, IY Sun, Y Wu, J Liu - Journal of family violence, 2016 - Springer
Although attitudes toward intimate partner violence (IPV) have been the subject of many
studies, little research has been conducted to comparatively assess public definitions of IPV …

Can jurors be biased in their evaluation of third-party evidence within cases of rape?

A Parsons, D Mojtahedi - International journal of law and psychiatry, 2022 - Elsevier
Prior research has indicated that beliefs in rape myths can influence juror decision making in
cases involving sexual assault, however, the phenomenon has been typically examined in …

Rape crimes reviewed: The role of observer variables in female victim blaming

MC Ferrão, G Gonçalves - Psychological Thought, 2015 - psyct.swu.bg
This article presents an overview of empirical research on the role of observer variables in
rape victim blaming (female attacked by a male perpetrator). The focus is on literature from …

The influence of gender ideology, victim resistance, and spiking a drink on acquaintance rape attributions

DJ Angelone, D Mitchell… - Journal of interpersonal …, 2018 - journals.sagepub.com
The current study examined observer's attributions about the victim and perpetrator of an
alleged acquaintance rape. Participants included 504 college students from a public …

[КНИГА][B] Women's lives: A psychological exploration

CA Etaugh, JS Bridges - 2023 - taylorfrancis.com
Women's Lives integrates the most current research and social issues to explore the
psychological diversity of girls and women varying in age, ethnicity, social class, nationality …

Educating physicians on sex trafficking: who receives our empathy and whom do we blame?

RJ Shin, AM Oberlin, F Rigby… - Journal of human …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
The majority of trafficked persons report seeing a healthcare provider at least once during
their exploitation. Implementing training on human trafficking for healthcare providers could …