Biology of sharks and their relatives

JC Carrier, CA Simpfendorfer, MR Heithaus, KE Yopak - 2022 -
Biology of Sharks and Their Relatives is an award-winning and groundbreaking exploration
of the fundamental elements of the taxonomy, systematics, physiology, and ecology of …

A review of shark satellite tagging studies

N Hammerschlag, AJ Gallagher, DM Lazarre - Journal of Experimental …, 2011 - Elsevier
Recent advances in satellite tagging technologies have provided scientists growing
opportunities to resolve previously unknown spatial ecology of marine predators, including …

From sea monsters to charismatic megafauna: changes in perception and use of large marine animals

C Mazzoldi, G Bearzi, C Brito, I Carvalho, E Desiderà… - PloS one, 2019 -
Marine megafauna has always elicited contrasting feelings. In the past, large marine
animals were often depicted as fantastic mythological creatures and dangerous monsters …

[PDF][PDF] The conservation status of pelagic sharks and rays: report of the IUCN shark specialist group pelagic shark red list workshop

MD Camhi, SV Valenti, SV Fordham… - IUCN Species Survival …, 2009 -
Sharks and their relatives, including skates, rays and chimaeras, collectively referred to as
chondrichthyan fishes, 1 form a relatively small (approximately 1,115 described species) …

[PDF][PDF] Assessing accuracy and utility of satellite-tracking data using Argos-linked Fastloc-GPS

MJ Witt, S Åkesson, AC Broderick, MS Coyne… - Animal …, 2010 -
Since the 1980s, the Argos System operated by CLS Argos (http://www. argos-system. org)
has become a dominant system for following large-scale movements of vertebrate species in …

Satellite tagging of blue sharks (Prionace glauca) and other pelagic sharks off eastern Australia: depth behaviour, temperature experience and movements

JD Stevens, RW Bradford, GJ West - Marine biology, 2010 - Springer
Satellite telemetry was used to study the movements and behaviour of ten blue sharks and
one individual each of shortfin mako, thresher and bigeye thresher off eastern Australia. The …

Spatial dynamics and expanded vertical niche of blue sharks in oceanographic fronts reveal habitat targets for conservation

N Queiroz, NE Humphries, LR Noble, AM Santos… - PloS one, 2012 -
Dramatic population declines among species of pelagic shark as a result of overfishing have
been reported, with some species now at a fraction of their historical biomass. Advanced …

Vertical movements and patterns in diving behavior of whale sharks as revealed by pop-up satellite tags in the eastern Gulf of Mexico

JP Tyminski, R de la Parra-Venegas, J González Cano… - PloS one, 2015 -
The whale shark (Rhincodon typus) is a wide-ranging, filter-feeding species typically
observed at or near the surface. This shark's sub-surface habits and behaviors have only …

Habitat use and movement patterns of bull sharks Carcharhinus leucas determined using pop‐up satellite archival tags

JK Carlson, MM Ribera, CL Conrath… - Journal of fish …, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
Habitat use, movement and residency of bull sharks Carcharhinus leucas were determined
using satellite pop‐up archival transmitting (PAT) tags throughout coastal areas in the US …

Movements and environmental preferences of the shortfin mako, Isurus oxyrinchus, in the southeastern Pacific Ocean

FJ Abascal, M Quintans, A Ramos-Cartelle, J Mejuto - Marine Biology, 2011 - Springer
Nine individuals of shortfin mako, Isurus oxyrinchus, were tracked in the southeastern Pacific
Ocean, off northern Chile, by means of pop-up satellite archival tags. No common pattern …