Effects of college transition and perceptions of the campus racial climate on Latino college students' sense of belonging

S Hurtado, DF Carter - Sociology of education, 1997 - JSTOR
To clarify the conceptual underpinnings of Tinto's theoretical model of students' departure,
the study presented here tested a conceptual model of the antecedents of sense of …

College persistence: Structural equations modeling test of an integrated model of student retention

AF Cabrera, A Nora, MB Castaneda - The journal of higher …, 1993 - Taylor & Francis
Although several theories have been advanced to explain the college persistence process
[6, 44, 45, 50, 52], only two theories have provided a comprehensive framework on college …

Colleges as communities: Taking research on student persistence seriously

V Tinto - The review of higher education, 1998 - muse.jhu.edu
What would our colleges and universities look like if we took seriously the research on
student persistence? What reforms in organization and pedagogy would we pursue if we …

The convergence between two theories of college persistence

AF Cabrera, MB Castaneda, A Nora… - The journal of higher …, 1992 - Taylor & Francis
Although several theories have been advanced to explain the college persistence process
[6, 39, 44, 46], the two theories that provide a more comprehensive theoretical framework on …

The role of perceptions of prejudice and discrimination on the adjustment of minority students to college

A Nora, AF Cabrera - The Journal of Higher Education, 1996 - Taylor & Francis
College participation by minority students declined in the middle 1980s following a period of
sustained growth [21]. This trend was particularly evident among African Americans and …

Campus racial climate and the adjustment of students to college: A comparison between White students and African-American students

AF Cabrera, A Nora, PT Terenzini… - The Journal of Higher …, 1999 - Taylor & Francis
Benefits associated with a college degree are multiple. From a societal standpoint, a college
graduate is far less likely to commit a crime and approximately 30% less likely to be …

The role of finances in the persistence process: A structural model

AF Cabrera, A Nora, MB Castaneda - Research in higher education, 1992 - Springer
The study empirically examined the role of finances on college persistence by presenting a
causal model that relied on several theoretical frameworks. A quantitative model was tested …

Socio-academic integrative moments: Rethinking academic and social integration among two-year college students in career-related programs

R Deil-Amen - The Journal of Higher Education, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
The major models of persistence include Tinto's Theory of Student Departure (1975, 1987,
1993), Astin's Theory of Involvement (1984), and Pascarella's model (1985). All the models …

Putting and kee** students on track: Toward a comprehensive model of college persistence and goal attainment

J Burrus, D Elliott, M Brenneman… - ETS Research …, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Despite near universal acceptance in the value of higher education for individuals and
society, college persistence rates in 4‐year and community colleges are low. Only 57% of …

Differential impacts of academic and social experiences on college-related behavioral outcomes across different ethnic and gender groups at four-year institutions

A Nora, A Cabrera, L Serra Hagedorn… - Research in higher …, 1996 - Springer
The results of the study indicated that institutional experiences, academic achievement, and
environmental pull factors contributed the most to persistence decisions. Furthermore …