[HTML][HTML] Geothermal energy at different depths for district heating and cooling of existing and future building stock
Recent developments in the building sector, district heating and cooling (DHC) field, and
geothermal technology are reported here, which indicate the trends and efforts to more …
geothermal technology are reported here, which indicate the trends and efforts to more …
Thermal energy storage in district heating and cooling systems: A review
E Guelpa, V Verda - Applied Energy, 2019 - Elsevier
Thermal storage facilities ensure a heat reservoir for optimally tackling dynamic
characteristics of district heating systems: heat and electricity demand evolution, changes of …
characteristics of district heating systems: heat and electricity demand evolution, changes of …
Synergies of sector coupling and transmission reinforcement in a cost-optimised, highly renewable European energy system
There are two competing concepts in the literature for the integration of high shares of
renewable energy: the coupling of electricity to other energy sectors, such as transport and …
renewable energy: the coupling of electricity to other energy sectors, such as transport and …
[HTML][HTML] International review of district heating and cooling
S Werner - Energy, 2017 - Elsevier
The purpose with this review is to provide a presentation of the background for the current
position for district heating and cooling in the world, with some deeper insights into …
position for district heating and cooling in the world, with some deeper insights into …
[HTML][HTML] District heating and cooling in Sweden
S Werner - Energy, 2017 - Elsevier
The purpose with this review is to provide a presentation of the background and current
position for district heating and cooling in Sweden. The review structure considers the …
position for district heating and cooling in Sweden. The review structure considers the …
4th Generation District Heating (4GDH): Integrating smart thermal grids into future sustainable energy systems
This paper defines the concept of 4th Generation District Heating (4GDH) including the
relations to District Cooling and the concepts of smart energy and smart thermal grids. The …
relations to District Cooling and the concepts of smart energy and smart thermal grids. The …
Smart Energy Systems for coherent 100% renewable energy and transport solutions
The hypothesis of this paper is that in order to identify least cost solutions of the integration
of fluctuating renewable energy sources into current or future 100% renewable energy …
of fluctuating renewable energy sources into current or future 100% renewable energy …
A review of the role of distributed generation (DG) in future electricity systems
The traditional paradigm of centralised electricity systems is being disrupted by increasing
levels of distributed generation. It is unclear as to what level of distributed generation is …
levels of distributed generation. It is unclear as to what level of distributed generation is …
Review of district heating and cooling systems for a sustainable future
The present study explores the implementation of district heating and cooling systems
across a broad set of case studies reported in the literature. Topics addressed include their …
across a broad set of case studies reported in the literature. Topics addressed include their …
Heat Roadmap Europe: Combining district heating with heat savings to decarbonise the EU energy system
Six different strategies have recently been proposed for the European Union (EU) energy
system in the European Commission's report, Energy Roadmap 2050. The objective for …
system in the European Commission's report, Energy Roadmap 2050. The objective for …