Recent progress in solar water heaters and solar collectors: A comprehensive review
Solar water heating (SWH) is a clean, reliable, and cost-effective method of harnessing solar
energy effectively to satisfy 50–80% of hot water needs. SWH technology is currently …
energy effectively to satisfy 50–80% of hot water needs. SWH technology is currently …
Photovoltaic–thermal (PV/T) technology: a comprehensive review on applications and its advancement
Over the most recent couple of decades, tremendous consideration is drawn towards
photovoltaic–thermal systems because of their advantages over the solar thermal and PV …
photovoltaic–thermal systems because of their advantages over the solar thermal and PV …
Numerical investigation on using of nanofluid in a water-cooled photovoltaic thermal system
Photovoltaic thermal collector or PV/T is a new hybrid technology that produces heat and
electricity simultaneously. The objective of the current study is to evaluate the effects of …
electricity simultaneously. The objective of the current study is to evaluate the effects of …
[HTML][HTML] Photovoltaic-thermal solar-assisted heat pump systems for building applications: Integration and design methods
The photovoltaic-thermal collector is one of the most interesting technology for solar energy
conversion, combining electric and thermal energy production in a single device. Vapour …
conversion, combining electric and thermal energy production in a single device. Vapour …
A comprehensive review of techniques for increasing the efficiency of evacuated tube solar collectors
With the growing energy needs, a conscious effort has been made to use non-conventional
energy sources to generate clean energy efficiently. Solar energy has always been popular …
energy sources to generate clean energy efficiently. Solar energy has always been popular …
Flat plate solar photovoltaic–thermal (PV/T) systems: A reference guide
The increasing installed area of solar technologies around the world gives us an idea about
the unlimited potential available in solar energy. This combined with the rising fossil fuel …
the unlimited potential available in solar energy. This combined with the rising fossil fuel …
Water flat plate PV–thermal collectors: A review
Over the last 30 years, a large amount of research about air PVT collectors has been carried
out, but the most investigated PVT technology in recent time is based on systems using …
out, but the most investigated PVT technology in recent time is based on systems using …
Numerical investigation of the effects of a copper foam filled with phase change materials in a water-cooled photovoltaic/thermal system
The purpose of the present study is to investigate the thermal performance of a
photovoltaic/thermal system, integrated with phase change materials in porous medium. For …
photovoltaic/thermal system, integrated with phase change materials in porous medium. For …
Economical assessment and applications of photovoltaic/thermal hybrid solar technology: A review
In recent years, photovoltaic technology has been develo** quickly and studies found that
only less than 20% solar energy was converted into electricity while more than 50% of the …
only less than 20% solar energy was converted into electricity while more than 50% of the …
Performance monitoring and modeling of an uncovered photovoltaic-thermal (PVT) water collector
PVT technology presents many attractive features for a wide application in the building
sector since it is able to produce electricity and thermal energy at the same time with better …
sector since it is able to produce electricity and thermal energy at the same time with better …