Acoustic-elastic metamaterials and phononic crystals for energy harvesting: A review
Metamaterials and phononic crystals (PCs) with artificially designed periodic microstructures
have attracted increasing research interests due to their unique properties that cannot be …
have attracted increasing research interests due to their unique properties that cannot be …
A brief review of metamaterials for opening low-frequency band gaps
Metamaterials are an emerging type of man-made material capable of obtaining some
extraordinary properties that cannot be realized by naturally occurring materials. Due to …
extraordinary properties that cannot be realized by naturally occurring materials. Due to …
Temperature controlled quasi-zero-stiffness metamaterial beam for broad-range low-frequency band tuning
Despite their engineering significance, locally resonant metamaterials are facing the
challenge to cope with the need for broad-range band gap adjustment at low-frequencies …
challenge to cope with the need for broad-range band gap adjustment at low-frequencies …
Vibration isolation of mechatronic metamaterial beam with resonant piezoelectric shunting
Mechatronic metamaterials are of utmost significance in vibration isolation owing to their
tunable bandgaps. However, their intricate mechanisms are always challenging for …
tunable bandgaps. However, their intricate mechanisms are always challenging for …
Experimental observation of nonreciprocal band gaps in a space-time-modulated beam using a shunted piezoelectric array
In this work, we experimentally achieve 1-kHz-wide directional band gaps for elastic waves
spanning a frequency range from approximately 8 to 11 kHz. One-way propagation is …
spanning a frequency range from approximately 8 to 11 kHz. One-way propagation is …
Design of graded piezoelectric metamaterial beam with spatial variation of electrodes
This work presents a novel strategy of broadband vibration attenuation using a graded
piezoelectric metamaterial beam. A series of electrode pairs with varying lengths are applied …
piezoelectric metamaterial beam. A series of electrode pairs with varying lengths are applied …
Nonlocal elastic metasurfaces: Enabling broadband wave control via intentional nonlocality
While elastic metasurfaces offer a remarkable and very effective approach to the
subwavelength control of stress waves, their use in practical applications is severely …
subwavelength control of stress waves, their use in practical applications is severely …
Emergence of non-reciprocity in metabeam exploiting piezoelectric sensing and actuation
A unique strategy by harnessing the concept of feedback control between the piezoelectric
bimorph sub-cells which are acting as sensor and actuator is conceptualized in this paper. In …
bimorph sub-cells which are acting as sensor and actuator is conceptualized in this paper. In …
High-fidelity dynamics of piezoelectric covered metamaterial Timoshenko beams using the spectral element method
Piezoelectric metamaterial beams have received enormous research interest for the
applications of vibration attenuation and/or energy harvesting in recent years. This paper …
applications of vibration attenuation and/or energy harvesting in recent years. This paper …
On integration of vibration suppression and energy harvesting through piezoelectric shunting with negative capacitance
While negative capacitance (NC) element has the potential of increasing the apparent
electro-mechanical coupling in various piezoelectric applications, it generally requires a …
electro-mechanical coupling in various piezoelectric applications, it generally requires a …