The growing trend of Islamic fashion: A bibliometric analysis
This article's objective is providing a critical evaluation and review of existing research on
Islamic fashion using bibliometric analysis and systematic literature review. With this article …
Islamic fashion using bibliometric analysis and systematic literature review. With this article …
A systematic literature review: implementation of ERP systems in logistics companies supply chain management in developed and develo** countries
As an important resource for a company, an ERP system can consolidate company
transactions and information into a common database, making information accessible to …
transactions and information into a common database, making information accessible to …
Presumption of green electronic appliances purchase intention: The mediating role of personal moral norms
This study focused on social and cognitive psychological factors that drive personal norms
and consequent buying intentions towards green electric appliances. The study …
and consequent buying intentions towards green electric appliances. The study …
Self-esteem, need for achievement, risk-taking propensity and consequent entrepreneurial intentions
Background Entrepreneurship is an important economic driver, and universities are
increasingly trying to create an entrepreneurial mindset among their students. This involves …
increasingly trying to create an entrepreneurial mindset among their students. This involves …
Knowledge as a mediator for innovativeness and risk-taking tolerance of female entrepreneurs in Indonesia
In the rapidly evolving small business environment of Indonesia, female entrepreneurs also
play a crucial role. Information sharing and knowledge exchange are inseparable factors in …
play a crucial role. Information sharing and knowledge exchange are inseparable factors in …
Service quality and brand reputation as antecedents of brand choice: The case of ride-hailing applications in Southeast Asia
Currently, linked internet ride-sharing services are active in several Southeast Asian nations.
This research aimed to investigate the relationships between the various variables by …
This research aimed to investigate the relationships between the various variables by …
Feeling “holier than thou”: exploring the critical nexus between project governance, exploitative leadership and multi-dimensional success in ICT projects
Purpose Project managers are under a never-ending pressure to demonstrate the expected
value of projects to the project sponsors; however, in most cases, project managers fail to …
value of projects to the project sponsors; however, in most cases, project managers fail to …
How green psychological capital and green HRM can lead to long-term sustainability in organizations
The economic catastrophe's effects on the nation's environmental conditions include high
resource costs and resource spillover consumption. A universal need for sustainable …
resource costs and resource spillover consumption. A universal need for sustainable …
Knowledge management as driver of women's entrepreneurial innovativeness
The fastest-growing category of entrepreneurs globally is women, who have drawn the
attention of many academics, particularly in recent years. The goal of this research is to …
attention of many academics, particularly in recent years. The goal of this research is to …
A Guidance to Systematic Literature Review to Young Researchers by Telkom University and the University of Turin
The purpose of a systematic literature review is to provide a clear and objective summary of
the current state of knowledge on a particular topic, identify gaps in the literature, and …
the current state of knowledge on a particular topic, identify gaps in the literature, and …