Methods of forest structure research: A review
G Hui, G Zhang, Z Zhao, A Yang - Current Forestry Reports, 2019 - Springer
Abstract Purpose of Review The forest structure generally refers to the configuration and
distribution of different plant species and sizes. Investigation and analysis of forest structures …
distribution of different plant species and sizes. Investigation and analysis of forest structures …
[КНИГА][B] Continuous cover forestry in Finland–recent research results
T Pukkala, E Lähde, O Laiho - 2012 - Springer
The current official silvicultural instructions of Finland recommend even-aged rotation forest
management (RFM) combined with low thinning and artificial regeneration. However, the …
management (RFM) combined with low thinning and artificial regeneration. However, the …
Forest structure and diversity
This contribution presents methods that can be used to describe and analyse forest structure
and diversity with particular reference to CCF management. Despite advances in remote …
and diversity with particular reference to CCF management. Despite advances in remote …
[КНИГА][B] Individual-based methods in forest ecology and management
A Pommerening, P Grabarnik - 2019 - Springer
Individual-based forest ecology and management, where the focus is on individual plants in
the context of their populations, draws on a large body of different quantitative methods that …
the context of their populations, draws on a large body of different quantitative methods that …
Relations between forest management, stand structure and productivity across different types of Central European forests
In the past 30 years, many stand structural attributes (SSAs) have been suggested and
structural indices have been developed to describe the complex structure of forests. Most …
structural indices have been developed to describe the complex structure of forests. Most …
A systematic comparison of summary characteristics for quantifying point patterns in ecology
T Wiegand, F He, SP Hubbell - Ecography, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Many functional summary characteristics such as Ripley's K function have been used in
ecology to describe the spatial structure of point patterns to aid understanding of the …
ecology to describe the spatial structure of point patterns to aid understanding of the …
Sampling measures of tree diversity
K Motz, H Sterba, A Pommerening - Forest Ecology and Management, 2010 - Elsevier
The monitoring of tree diversity and forest structure is a key pre-requisite for understanding
and managing forest ecosystems. This paper addresses the question whether and how tree …
and managing forest ecosystems. This paper addresses the question whether and how tree …
How climate, migration ability and habitat fragmentation affect the projected future distribution of European beech
Recent efforts to incorporate migration processes into species distribution models (SDM s)
are allowing assessments of whether species are likely to be able to track their future climate …
are allowing assessments of whether species are likely to be able to track their future climate …
Do large forest trees tend towards high species mingling?
Abstract Effects caused by human management and natural disturbances as well as by
ecological mechanisms such as those described, for example, by the Janzen-Connell and …
ecological mechanisms such as those described, for example, by the Janzen-Connell and …
Climate or migration: what limited E uropean beech post‐glacial colonization?
Aim Despite the recent improvements made in species distribution models (SDMs),
assessing species' ability to migrate fast enough to track their climate optimum remains a …
assessing species' ability to migrate fast enough to track their climate optimum remains a …