Failing grade: 89% of introduction-to-psychology textbooks that define or explain statistical significance do so incorrectly
Null-hypothesis significance testing (NHST) is commonly used in psychology; however, it is
widely acknowledged that NHST is not well understood by either psychology professors or …
widely acknowledged that NHST is not well understood by either psychology professors or …
Improving the utility of non-significant results for educational research
P Edelsbrunner, C Thurn - 2020 - osf.io
Non-significant results have the potential to further our understanding of what does not work
in education, and why. We make three contributions to harness this potential and to improve …
in education, and why. We make three contributions to harness this potential and to improve …
Controversies regarding null hypothesis significance testing
BP O'Connor, N Khattar - Avoiding Questionable Research Practices in …, 2022 - Springer
This chapter provides an overview of null hypothesis significance testing (NHST) and of the
problems involved with NHST. This is followed by a non-technical description of perhaps the …
problems involved with NHST. This is followed by a non-technical description of perhaps the …
Map** the landscape of exploratory and confirmatory data analysis in linguistics
B Winter - Data analytics in cognitive linguistics: methods and …, 2022 - degruyter.com
Linguistics has and still is undergoing a quantitative revolution (Kortmann 2021; Levshina
2015; Sampson 2005; Winter 2019a). Over the last few decades in particular …
2015; Sampson 2005; Winter 2019a). Over the last few decades in particular …
Depresión y dependencia emocional en estudiantes de Psicología de una universidad particular de Lima
LM Borlini - 2022 - repositorio.autonoma.edu.pe
El objetivo de la investigación fue conocer la relación de la depresión y la dependencia
emocional en estudiantes de una universidad particular de Lima, bajo una muestra de …
emocional en estudiantes de una universidad particular de Lima, bajo una muestra de …
[PDF][PDF] Assessing the application of 𝛽-weights and structure coefficients in published hospitality and tourism research
Multiple regression is one of the most powerful analysis techniques available to hospitality
and tourism researchers for complex problems that may include prediction, mediation, and …
and tourism researchers for complex problems that may include prediction, mediation, and …
The Minimally Meaningful Effect Size: A Vital Component of Pre-Registrations
C Camilleri, N Beribisky, R Cribbie - 2022 - osf.io
Psychology is currently experiencing a replication crisis, wherein many attempts to replicate
past studies have failed. Pre-registration is a valuable resource to enhance the replicability …
past studies have failed. Pre-registration is a valuable resource to enhance the replicability …
[CARTE][B] Adolescent suicidal ideation and parental perception, parenting style, and parental denial
J Mann - 2020 - search.proquest.com
Adolescent suicidal ideation is a substantial health concern in the United States, from both
mental and physical perspectives. Parent-child connectedness (PCC) ostensibly plays a …
mental and physical perspectives. Parent-child connectedness (PCC) ostensibly plays a …
An investigation of the relationship between cultural identity and loneliness in older Māori: a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of …
M Parata - 2023 - mro.massey.ac.nz
New Zealand, along with many other countries around the world, is experiencing an ageing
population. This has led to research with a focus on the well-being of older adults. A large …
population. This has led to research with a focus on the well-being of older adults. A large …
Lederes og kollegaers adferd som påvirkningsfaktorer i ansattes holdninger til aktivitetsbaserte kontorløsninger
AR Sundal, GB Tafjord - 2023 - hvlopen.brage.unit.no
Formålet med masteroppgaven har vært å undersøke den prediktive sammenhengen
mellom lederes og kollegaers adferd knyttet til aktivitetsbaserte kontorløsninger, og ansattes …
mellom lederes og kollegaers adferd knyttet til aktivitetsbaserte kontorløsninger, og ansattes …