[HTML][HTML] Origins of building blocks of life: A review

N Kitadai, S Maruyama - Geoscience Frontiers, 2018‏ - Elsevier
How and where did life on Earth originate? To date, various environments have been
proposed as plausible sites for the origin of life. However, discussions have focused on a …

The evolution of Earth's biogeochemical nitrogen cycle

EE Stüeken, MA Kipp, MC Koehler, R Buick - Earth-Science Reviews, 2016‏ - Elsevier
Nitrogen is an essential nutrient for all life on Earth and it acts as a major control on
biological productivity in the modern ocean. Accurate reconstructions of the evolution of life …

New insights into the evolutionary history of biological nitrogen fixation

ES Boyd, JW Peters - Frontiers in microbiology, 2013‏ - frontiersin.org
Nitrogenase, which catalyzes the ATP-dependent reduction of dinitrogen (N2) to ammonia
(NH3), accounts for roughly half of the bioavailable nitrogen supporting extant life. The …

An enhanced Fenton reaction catalyzed by natural heterogeneous pyrite for nitrobenzene degradation in an aqueous solution

Y Zhang, K Zhang, C Dai, X Zhou, H Si - Chemical Engineering Journal, 2014‏ - Elsevier
Due to the limitations such as sludge formation and early termination exist in the classic
Fenton reaction, an enhanced Fenton system catalyzed by heterogeneous pyrite was used …

[HTML][HTML] Nitrate removal in iron sulfide-driven autotrophic denitrification biofilter: Biochemical and chemical transformation pathways and its underlying microbial …

Y Bai, H Hu, PH Lee, A Zhussupbekova… - Science of The Total …, 2023‏ - Elsevier
Iron sulfides-based autotrophic denitrification (IAD) is effective for treating nitrate-
contaminated wastewater. However, the complex nitrate transformation pathways coupled …

Extreme accumulation of ammonia on electroreduced mackinawite: An abiotic ammonia storage mechanism in early ocean hydrothermal systems

W Takahagi, S Okada, Y Matsui, S Ono, K Takai… - Proceedings of the …, 2023‏ - pnas.org
An increasing amount of evidence suggests that early ocean hydrothermal systems were
sustained sources of ammonia, an essential nitrogen species for prebiotic synthesis of life's …

Effect of electric current intensity on performance of polycaprolactone/FeS2-based mixotrophic biofilm–electrode reactor

X Yang, Z Tang, L **ao, S Zhang, J **, S Zhang - Bioresource Technology, 2022‏ - Elsevier
In this study, a bioelectrochemical system consisting of pyrite-based autotrophic
denitrification (PAD) and heterotrophic denitrification (HD) was established to polish nitrate …

Volatile species in comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko: investigating the link from the ISM to the terrestrial planets

M Rubin, DV Bekaert, MW Broadley… - ACS earth and space …, 2019‏ - ACS Publications
Comets contain abundant amounts of organic and inorganic species. Many of the volatile
molecules in comets have also been observed in the interstellar medium and some of them …

Effects of Sulfidation and Nitrate on the Reduction of N-Nitrosodimethylamine by Zerovalent Iron

H Qin, X Guan, PG Tratnyek - Environmental Science & …, 2019‏ - ACS Publications
Competition among oxidizing species in groundwater and wastewater for the reductive
capacity of zerovalent iron (ZVI) makes the selectivity of ZVI for target contaminant …

[HTML][HTML] Nitrogenous derivatives of phosphorus and the origins of life: plausible prebiotic phosphorylating agents in water

M Karki, C Gibard, S Bhowmik, R Krishnamurthy - Life, 2017‏ - mdpi.com
Phosphorylation under plausible prebiotic conditions continues to be one of the defining
issues for the role of phosphorus in the origins of life processes. In this review, we cover the …