[Књига][B] Public service broadcasting

D Hendy - 2013 - books.google.com
Challenging the opinion that public service broadcasting is a thing of the past, David Hendy
explains its importance in the present–and in the future. Written by a leading expert in the …

“… and please visit our Facebook page, too!” How radio presenter personalities influence listeners' interactions with radio stations

B Spangardt, N Ruth, H Schramm - Journal of radio & audio media, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
Radio personalities or presenters are important to music radio stations, as their individual
personalities influence if, how, and to what extent listeners want to interact with radio …

How does a radio host's testimonial influence media experiences? The indirect effect of social presence

J Kim, H Yang - Journal of Radio & Audio Media, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
This study examined how a radio host's personal experiences (testimonials) influence
listeners' experiences, particularly focusing on the role of social presence. A Web-based …

[Књига][B] Mark E. Smith and the Fall: art, music and politics

M Goddard, B Halligan - 2010 - api.taylorfrancis.com
Figures 0.1–0.6 the Fall live in Manchester academy one, 18 july 2009 9–10 1.1–1.2 the
1976 'space pod'in the royal Exchange theatre, Manchester. images from the 1981 …

From BBC radio personality to online audience personae: The relevance of fan studies to Terry Wogan and the TOGs

M Hills - Radio journal: International studies in broadcast & …, 2009 - intellectdiscover.com
This article suggests that radio studies and fan studies can, and should, be encouraged into
meaningful dialogue. It argues that there is a general reason for this, to address the notable …

Rip** the pith from the Peel: Institutional and Internet cultures of archiving pop music radio

K Garner - Radio Journal: International Studies in Broadcast & …, 2012 - intellectdiscover.com
Although the influential BBC Radio 1 DJ John Peel (1939–2004) broadcast on average
three times a week for 37 years, until the last four years of his life only a small number of …

Holidays in the sun: The Sex Pistols at the seaside

P Smith - Popular Music and Society, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
This article analyzes early performances by the Sex Pistols in the North of England, in
particular a performance at the White Horse Inn, Whitby, on 11 September 1976, and …

A multimodal methodological path to the analysis of radio discourse in music radio

S Theodosiadou - Journal of Radio & Audio Media, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
This article argues that quasi-Conversation Analysis (CA) combined with sound semiotics
provides an opportunity to investigate radio language in a more comprehensive manner by …

'On the programme tonight': The Old Grey Whistle Test as tastemaker for British AOR audiences in the early 1970s.

A Bennett - Popular Music History, 2019 - search.ebscohost.com
British popular music television series The Old Grey Whistle Test (OGWT) was a regular
feature on BBC2 between 1971 and 1987. The show enjoyed its greatest popularity during …

Som de Rádio

T Wall, D Gambaro - Novos Olhares, 2023 - revistas.usp.br
O campo dos estudos radiofônicos cresceu consideravelmente nas últimas duas décadas,
edificando-se sobre um comprometimento acadêmico desigual com a centenária história do …