[HTML][HTML] Machine learning and artificial intelligence in CNC machine tools, a review
Abstract Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine learning (ML) represents an important
evolution in computer science and data processing systems which can be used in order to …
evolution in computer science and data processing systems which can be used in order to …
A new intelligent approach of surface roughness measurement in sustainable machining of AM-316L stainless steel with deep learning models
Due to the manufacturing sector's digitalization and ability to combine quality measurement
and production data, machine learning and deep learning for quality assurance hold …
and production data, machine learning and deep learning for quality assurance hold …
Context awareness in process monitoring of additive manufacturing using a digital twin
Abstract Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing allows the cost-effective manufacturing of
customized, large-scale metal parts. As the post-process quality assurance of large parts is …
customized, large-scale metal parts. As the post-process quality assurance of large parts is …
YDRSNet: An integrated Yolov5-Deeplabv3+ real-time segmentation network for gear pitting measurement
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Hybrid components consist of multiple materials, enabling the material distribution to be
tailored to locally varying loads during the use phase. By selectively applying materials with …
tailored to locally varying loads during the use phase. By selectively applying materials with …