Modeling diffractive optics elements and devices

NL Kazanskiy - Optical Technologies in Telecommunications …, 2018 -
I analyze physical approximations and mathematical tools used when modeling diffractive
optics elements and devices. Examples of the numerical simulation of focusing optical …

Technological line for creation and research of diffractive optical elements

NL Kazanskiy, RV Skidanov - Optical Technologies for …, 2019 -
We report on the creation and use of a unique object of scientific infrastructure–a
technological line designed to create and study diffractive optical elements (DOEs). The …

Laser Technology and nanotechnology applying diffractive optical elements

VA Danilov - Nanobiotechnology Reports, 2022 - Springer
Performing the laser processing of materials implies the importance of producing the desired
effect on local regions with a predetermined distribution of the beam-power density. The …

Формирование изображений дифракционной многоуровневой линзой

НЛ Казанский, СН Хонина, РВ Скиданов… - Компьютерная …, 2014 -
Рассматривается формирование изображений дифракционной линзой. Проведён
аналитический и численный расчёт формирования изображений при освещении …

Method of composite nanomaterials synthesis under metal/oxide pulse-periodic laser treatment

SP Murzin - Computer Optics, 2014 -
SP Murzin, “Method of composite nanomaterials synthesis under metal/oxide pulse-periodic
laser treatment”, Computer Optics, 38:3 (2014), 469–475 Computer Optics RUS ENG …

Efficiency of deep integration between a research university and an academic institute

NL Kazanskiy - Procedia Engineering, 2017 - Elsevier
I am analyzing the results of long-standing close cooperation between an academic institute
and a national research university. I am making analysis based on sharing experience of our …

Color imaging using a system based on 3 diffractive lenses

S Stepanenko, V Evdokimova, M Petrov… - Computer …, 2023 -
The possibility of essentially reducing the weight and production cost of computer vision
systems has led to the publication of a large number of research works dealing with the …

Formation of nanoporous structures in metallic materials by pulse-periodic laser treatment

SP Murzin - Optics & Laser Technology, 2015 - Elsevier
A method of the formation of nanoporous structures in metallic materials by pulse-periodic
laser treatment was developed. In this study, the multicomponent aluminum–iron brass was …

Algorithm for calculation of the power density distribution of the laser beam to create a desired thermal effect on technological objects

SP Murzin, R Bielak, G Liedl - Компьютерная оптика, 2016 -
Based on the use of methods for solving the inverse problem of heat conduction, we
developed an algorithm for calculating the power density distribution of the laser beam to …

Development of technologies of laser material processing with use of diffractive optics

SP Murzin, NL Kazanskiy… - 2021 International …, 2021 -
Possibilities of using diffractive optics in the laser material processing in the aerospace
industry were showed. The applied of diffractive optics for sha** of a laser beam made it …