Digging deeper into arts-intensive high schools: Experiences, outcomes, and other reflections from artistically gifted alumni
AL Miller, DA Ibrahim - Gifted Child Quarterly, 2025 - journals.sagepub.com
Arts-intensive high schools offer a unique learning environment for artistically gifted
students, but relatively little is known about the long-term impacts of attending these schools …
students, but relatively little is known about the long-term impacts of attending these schools …
Unpacking high-impact practices in the arts: Predictors of college, career, and community engagement outcomes
Research on high-impact practices (HIPs) demonstrates positive links to student learning
and development, but generally does not focus on discipline-specific activities, such as …
and development, but generally does not focus on discipline-specific activities, such as …
Refining understandings of entrepreneurial artists: Valuing the creative incorporation of business and entrepreneurship into artistic practice
M Robinson, J Novak-Leonard - Artivate, 2021 - JSTOR
There is a disconnect between artists' applications of entrepreneurial behavior in their
practice and evaluations of artists as productive members of community. Informed by …
practice and evaluations of artists as productive members of community. Informed by …
Artist activism as arts entrepreneurship
M Jordan - Artivate, 2023 - JSTOR
The conceptual framing of artist activists as arts entrepreneurs is pivotal to this study's
analysis of artists' political organizing during the overlap** moments of the Covid-19 …
analysis of artists' political organizing during the overlap** moments of the Covid-19 …
Innovative and artistic: Conceptions of creativity among the American public
JL Novak-Leonard, R Skaggs, M Robinson - Poetics, 2022 - Elsevier
As the prominence and expressed need for creativity grows across multiple facets of society,
so too do interests in understanding and enabling individuals' own creative potential. These …
so too do interests in understanding and enabling individuals' own creative potential. These …
'This place becomes a place': Artists and placemaking on the margins
Culture and creativity are active but often overlooked processes in contemporary
urbanisation. This paper contributes to scholarship on the cultural and creative industries, as …
urbanisation. This paper contributes to scholarship on the cultural and creative industries, as …
The role of cultural organisations in matters of equity, diversity, and inclusion
Equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) issues are relevant to all areas of society, including the
cultural sector, which is characterised by systemic discrimination. Our research question is …
cultural sector, which is characterised by systemic discrimination. Our research question is …
American perspectives on public funding for artists
JL Novak-Leonard, R Skaggs - The Journal of arTs ManageMenT …, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
In light of recent attention on artists as community assets, what is current US public opinion
on public support for artists? After tracing the history of perceptions of public funding of …
on public support for artists? After tracing the history of perceptions of public funding of …
Social exclusion in the arts: The dynamics of social and economic mobility across three decades of undergraduate arts alumni in the United States
A Whitaker, GC Wolniak - Review of Research in Education, 2022 - journals.sagepub.com
This chapter presents a broad interdisciplinary literature review linking artists' economic
precarity and need for but resistance to entrepreneurial skills, alongside colonial histories …
precarity and need for but resistance to entrepreneurial skills, alongside colonial histories …
Valuing the Arts in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand
S Gattenhof, D Hancox, S Mackay, K Kelly, TO Rakena… - 2022 - eprints.qut.edu.au
The arts do not exist in vacuum and cannot be valued in abstract ways; their value is how
they make people feel, what they can empower people to do and how they interact with …
they make people feel, what they can empower people to do and how they interact with …