The role of gamma oscillations in central nervous system diseases: Mechanism and treatment
A Guan, S Wang, A Huang, C Qiu, Y Li, X Li… - Frontiers in cellular …, 2022 - frontiersin.org
Gamma oscillation is the synchronization with a frequency of 30–90 Hz of neural
oscillations, which are rhythmic electric processes of neuron groups in the brain. The …
oscillations, which are rhythmic electric processes of neuron groups in the brain. The …
Closed-loop adaptive deep brain stimulation in Parkinson's disease: procedures to achieve it and future perspectives
Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disease with a heavy burden on patients,
families, and society. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) can improve the symptoms of PD …
families, and society. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) can improve the symptoms of PD …
A convolutional-recurrent neural network approach to resting-state EEG classification in Parkinson's disease
Background Parkinson's disease (PD) is expected to become more common, particularly
with an aging population. Diagnosis and monitoring of the disease typically rely on the …
with an aging population. Diagnosis and monitoring of the disease typically rely on the …
Cortical phase-amplitude coupling is key to the occurrence and treatment of freezing of gait
Freezing of gait is a debilitating symptom in advanced Parkinson's disease and responds
heterogeneously to treatments such as deep brain stimulation. Recent studies indicated that …
heterogeneously to treatments such as deep brain stimulation. Recent studies indicated that …
Effective brain connectivity extraction by frequency-domain convergent cross-map** (FDCCM) and its application in Parkinson's disease classification
Objective: Inferring causal or effective connectivity between measured timeseries is crucial
to understanding directed interactions in complex systems. This task is especially …
to understanding directed interactions in complex systems. This task is especially …
Parkinson's disease detection based on multi-pattern analysis and multi-scale convolutional neural networks
Parkinson's disease (PD) is a complex neurodegenerative disease. At present, the early
diagnosis of PD is still extremely challenging, and there is still a lack of consensus on the …
diagnosis of PD is still extremely challenging, and there is still a lack of consensus on the …
Circuit-Specific Deep Brain Stimulation Provides Insights into Movement Control
Deep brain stimulation (DBS), a method in which electrical stimulation is delivered to
specific areas of the brain, is an effective treatment for managing symptoms of a number of …
specific areas of the brain, is an effective treatment for managing symptoms of a number of …
[HTML][HTML] Altered gamma oscillations and beta–gamma coupling in drug-naive first-episode major depressive disorder: association with sleep and cognitive disturbance
Objective Gamma oscillations contribute to the pathogenesis mechanisms of major
depressive disorder (MDD) have been proposed, but gamma activity is not well …
depressive disorder (MDD) have been proposed, but gamma activity is not well …
[HTML][HTML] Phase-targeted stimulation modulates phase-amplitude coupling in the motor cortex of the human brain
Background Phase-amplitude coupling (PAC) in which the amplitude of a faster field
potential oscillation is coupled to the phase of a slower rhythm, is one of the most well …
potential oscillation is coupled to the phase of a slower rhythm, is one of the most well …
Parkinson's disease detection from EEG signal employing autoencoder and RBFNN-based hybrid deep learning framework utilizing power spectral density
Objective Early detection of Parkinson's disease (PD) is essential for halting its progression,
yet challenges remain in leveraging deep learning for accurate identification. This study …
yet challenges remain in leveraging deep learning for accurate identification. This study …