Climate change and interconnected risks to sustainable development in the Mediterranean
Recent accelerated climate change has exacerbated existing environmental problems in the
Mediterranean Basin that are caused by the combination of changes in land use, increasing …
Mediterranean Basin that are caused by the combination of changes in land use, increasing …
Current global risks to marine mammals: taking stock of the threats
IC Avila, K Kaschner, CF Dormann - Biological Conservation, 2018 - Elsevier
Marine mammals are impacted by many anthropogenic activities and mitigating these
impacts requires knowledge about the geographic occurrence of threats. Here, we …
impacts requires knowledge about the geographic occurrence of threats. Here, we …
The Mediterranean Plastic Soup: synthetic polymers in Mediterranean surface waters
Abstract The Mediterranean Sea has been recently proposed as one of the most impacted
regions of the world with regards to microplastics, however the polymeric composition of …
regions of the world with regards to microplastics, however the polymeric composition of …
Microplastic ingestion by Mullus surmuletus Linnaeus, 1758 fish and its potential for causing oxidative stress
A total of 417 striped red mullet, Mullus surmuletus, were analyzed to study microplastic
ingestion and livers of fish were assessed to study effects of microplastics. Nearly one third …
ingestion and livers of fish were assessed to study effects of microplastics. Nearly one third …
[HTML][HTML] Chemical contaminants entering the marine environment from sea-based sources: A review with a focus on European seas
V Tornero, G Hanke - Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2016 - Elsevier
Anthropogenic contaminants reach the marine environment mostly directly from land-based
sources, but there are cases in which they are emitted or re-mobilized in the marine …
sources, but there are cases in which they are emitted or re-mobilized in the marine …
Model development for the assessment of terrestrial and aquatic habitat quality in conservation planning
There is a growing pressure of human activities on natural habitats, which leads to
biodiversity losses. To mitigate the impact of human activities, environmental policies are …
biodiversity losses. To mitigate the impact of human activities, environmental policies are …
Cumulative human impacts on Mediterranean and Black Sea marine ecosystems: assessing current pressures and opportunities
Management of marine ecosystems requires spatial information on current impacts. In
several marine regions, including the Mediterranean and Black Sea, legal mandates and …
several marine regions, including the Mediterranean and Black Sea, legal mandates and …
Unpublished Mediterranean records of marine alien and cryptogenic species
S Katsanevakis, D Poursanidis, R Hoffman… - BioInvasions …, 2020 -
Good datasets of geo-referenced records of alien species are a prerequisite for assessing
the spatio-temporal dynamics of biological invasions, their invasive potential, and the …
the spatio-temporal dynamics of biological invasions, their invasive potential, and the …
Fin whales and microplastics: The Mediterranean Sea and the Sea of Cortez scenarios
The impact that microplastics have on baleen whales is a question that remains largely
unexplored. This study examined the interaction between free-ranging fin whales …
unexplored. This study examined the interaction between free-ranging fin whales …
Biodiversity, climate change, and adaptation in the Mediterranean
Potential for, and limits to, adaptation to environmental changes are critical for resilience and
risk mitigation. The Mediterranean basin is a mosaic of biodiversity‐rich ecosystems long …
risk mitigation. The Mediterranean basin is a mosaic of biodiversity‐rich ecosystems long …