[PDF][PDF] A log-linear discriminative modeling framework for speech recognition

G Heigold - 2010 - www-i6.informatik.rwth-aachen.de
Conventional speech recognition systems are based on Gaussian hidden Markov models
(HMMs). Discriminative techniques such as log-linear modeling have been investigated in …

Training of reduced-rank linear transformations for multi-layer polynomial acoustic features for speech recognition

MA Tahir, H Huang, A Zeyer, R Schlüter, H Ney - Speech Communication, 2019 - Elsevier
The use of higher-order polynomial acoustic features can improve the performance of
automatic speech recognition (ASR). However, dimensionality of polynomial representation …

[PDF][PDF] Log-Linear Optimization of Second-Order Polynomial Features with Subsequent Dimension Reduction for Speech Recognition.

MA Tahir, R Schlüter, H Ney - Interspeech, 2011 - isca-archive.org
Second order polynomial features are useful for speech recognition because they can be
used to model class specific covariance even with a pooled covariance acoustic model …

[PDF][PDF] Training log-linear acoustic models in higher-order polynomial feature space for speech recognition.

MA Tahir, H Huang, R Schlüter, H Ney, L ten Bosch… - Interspeech, 2013 - isca-archive.org
The use of higher-order polynomial acoustic features can improve the performance of
automatic speech recognition. However, the dimensionality of the polynomial representation …

[PDF][PDF] Discriminative models for speech recognition

A Ragni - 2014 - svr-www.eng.cam.ac.uk
The discriminative approach to speech recognition offers several advantages over the
generative, such as a simple introduction of additional dependencies and direct modelling of …

[PDF][PDF] Discriminative adaptation for log-linear acoustic models.

J Lööf, R Schlüter, H Ney - INTERSPEECH, 2010 - isca-archive.org
Log-linear models have recently been used in acoustic modeling for speech recognition
systems. This has been motivated by competitive results compared to systems based on …

Bayesian adaptation for statistical machine translation

G Sanchis-Trilles, F Casacuberta - … 2010, Cesme, Izmir, Turkey, August 18 …, 2010 - Springer
In many pattern recognition problems, learning from training samples is a process that
requires important amounts of training data and a high computational effort. Sometimes, only …

[CARTE][B] Online learning of large margin hidden Markov models for automatic speech recognition

CC Cheng - 2011 - search.proquest.com
Over the last two decades, large margin methods have yielded excellent performance on
many tasks. The theoretical properties of large margin methods have been intensively …

[PDF][PDF] Discriminative training of linear transformations and mixture density splitting for speech recognition

MA Tahir - 2015 - d-nb.info
Discriminative training has been established as an effective technique for training the
acoustic model of an automatic speech recognition system. It reduces the word error rate as …

[PDF][PDF] Training Log-Linear Acoustic Models in Higher-Order Polynomial Feature Space for Speech Recognition

H Huang, M Tahir, R Schlüter, H Ney, LFM ten Bosch… - 2013 - repository.ubn.ru.nl
The use of higher-order polynomial acoustic features can improve the performance of
automatic speech recognition. However, the dimensionality of the polynomial representation …