Geomorphic and sedimentary response of rivers to tectonic deformation: a brief review and critique of a tool for recognizing subtle epeirogenic deformation in modern …
J Holbrook, SA Schumm - Tectonophysics, 1999 - Elsevier
Rivers are extremely sensitive to subtle changes in their grade caused by tectonic tilting. As
such, recognition of tectonic tilting effects on rivers, and their resultant sediments, can be a …
such, recognition of tectonic tilting effects on rivers, and their resultant sediments, can be a …
Geological evolution of Ganga Plain-an overview
IB Singh - Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India, 1996 - journals.sagepub.com
Flexing of the Indian lithosphere in response to the compressive forces due to collision, and
thrust-fold loading produced the Ganga Plain foreland basin in the Early Miocene. The basin …
thrust-fold loading produced the Ganga Plain foreland basin in the Early Miocene. The basin …
[BOK][B] Active tectonics and alluvial rivers
SA Schumm, JF Dumont, JM Holbrook - 2000 - researchgate.net
The major goal of this book is to bring together evidence of active deformation on alluvial
rivers, with emphasis on geomorphological adjustment. The authors have grouped their …
rivers, with emphasis on geomorphological adjustment. The authors have grouped their …
Himalayan drainage patterns and the origin of fluvial megafans in the Ganges foreland basin
S Gupta - Geology, 1997 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Large transverse rivers draining the southern flank of the Nepal Himalaya commonly show
abrupt diversions to an axial course immediately north of the trace of the Main Boundary …
abrupt diversions to an axial course immediately north of the trace of the Main Boundary …
Discontinuity-bounded alluvial sequences of the southern Gangetic Plains, India: aggradation and degradation in response to monsoonal strength
Discontinuity-bounded late Quaternary sequences in the southern Gangetic Plains
(Himalayan Foreland Basin) reflect floodplain aggradation and degradation in response to …
(Himalayan Foreland Basin) reflect floodplain aggradation and degradation in response to …
[BOK][B] Dynamic himalaya
KS Valdiya - 1998 - books.google.com
This Monograph Aims To Apprise Readers Of The Natural Events That Occurred And The
Processes That Were In Operation Before The Emergence Of The Giant Edifice Of The …
Processes That Were In Operation Before The Emergence Of The Giant Edifice Of The …
Early forest soils and their role in Devonian global change
GJ Retallack - Science, 1997 - science.org
A paleosol in the Middle Devonian Aztec Siltstone of Victoria Land, Antarctica, is the most
ancient known soil of well-drained forest ecosystems. Clay enrichment and chemical …
ancient known soil of well-drained forest ecosystems. Clay enrichment and chemical …
Waterlogging and flood hazards vulnerability and risk assessment in Indo Gangetic plain
The recurrent flooding during monsoon and subsequent waterlogging in the northern Bihar
plains and the magnitude of losses due to these hazards indicate the continuing …
plains and the magnitude of losses due to these hazards indicate the continuing …
Reconciling the elemental and Sr isotope composition of Himalayan weathering fluxes: insights from the carbonate geochemistry of stream waters
AD Jacobson, JD Blum, LM Walter - Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2002 - Elsevier
Determining the relative proportions of silicate vs. carbonate weathering in the Himalaya is
important for understanding atmospheric CO2 consumption rates and the temporal evolution …
important for understanding atmospheric CO2 consumption rates and the temporal evolution …
Geomorphic characterization and diversity of the fluvial systems of the Gangetic Plains
The extensive Gangetic alluvial plains are drained by rivers which differ strongly in terms of
hydrological and sediment transport characteristics. These differences are manifested in the …
hydrological and sediment transport characteristics. These differences are manifested in the …