Cyclic gas injection in low-permeability oil reservoirs: progress in modeling and experiments
Cyclic gas injection effectively enhances oil recovery for low-permeability oil reservoirs.
Numerous theoretical, mathematical, and laboratory investigations have attempted to unlock …
Numerous theoretical, mathematical, and laboratory investigations have attempted to unlock …
Application of nuclear magnetic resonance technology in reservoir characterization and CO2 enhanced recovery for shale oil: A review
The reservoir characterization and development for shale oil faces significant challenges
due to low porosity, low permeability, multi-scale pore space, and complex fluid composition …
due to low porosity, low permeability, multi-scale pore space, and complex fluid composition …
Evaluation of CO2 utilization and storage potential in the Jimsar shale play from an optimization study
CO 2-based enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods have been widely used in conventional
reservoirs, which is also attractive to sequestrating CO 2 underground. However, the existing …
reservoirs, which is also attractive to sequestrating CO 2 underground. However, the existing …
Experimental evaluation of enhanced shale oil recovery in pore scale by CO2 in Jimusar reservoir
TAO Wan, J Zhang, Z **g - Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2022 - Elsevier
With the domestic energy supply increase, exploitation of unconventional shale oil
resources has drawn great attention from the industry. In this paper, laboratory studies were …
resources has drawn great attention from the industry. In this paper, laboratory studies were …
[HTML][HTML] Adaptive proxy-based robust production optimization with multilayer perceptron
Abstract Machine learning (ML) has been a technique employed to build data-driven models
that can map the relationship between the input and output data provided. ML-based data …
that can map the relationship between the input and output data provided. ML-based data …
[HTML][HTML] Immiscible foam displacement in low-permeability formations: A numerical study for screening potential reservoirs
Understanding immiscible displacement in low-permeability porous media such as tight oil
reservoirs, requires further studies. In this work, we explore the governing mechanisms …
reservoirs, requires further studies. In this work, we explore the governing mechanisms …
A stochastic method to optimize flowback DFIT (“DFIT-FBA”) test design in tight reservoirs
Abstractu DFIT-FBA is a modified diagnostic fracture injection test whereby a sequence of
injection and flowback is performed, and flowback data is analyzed using rate-transient …
injection and flowback is performed, and flowback data is analyzed using rate-transient …
Laboratory experiments of field gas huff-n-puff for improving oil recovery from Eagle Ford Shale reservoirs
Gas huff-n-puff in unconventional reservoirs has been studied extensively due to a large
number of shale resources available and dramatic production decline. With the increasing …
number of shale resources available and dramatic production decline. With the increasing …
Optimization of Gas Huff-n-Puff for Enhanced Oil Recovery in Shale Condensate Reservoirs in Jiyang Depressions, China
The shale condensate reservoirs hold vast reserves, suggesting significant development
potential, yet low recovery remains a major industry obstacle. Based on a field case from the …
potential, yet low recovery remains a major industry obstacle. Based on a field case from the …
Experimental investigation of cyclic CO2 injection and storage in unconventional reservoirs under reservoir conditions
A potential solution to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions during hydrocarbon recovery is to
employ cyclic CO2 injection or 'huff-n-puff'(HnP) in multi-fractured horizontal wells completed …
employ cyclic CO2 injection or 'huff-n-puff'(HnP) in multi-fractured horizontal wells completed …