Shifting paradigms in restoration of the world's coral reefs
Many ecosystems around the world are rapidly deteriorating due to both local and global
pressures, and perhaps none so precipitously as coral reefs. Management of coral reefs …
pressures, and perhaps none so precipitously as coral reefs. Management of coral reefs …
Integrating cryptic diversity into coral evolution, symbiosis and conservation
Understanding how diversity evolves and is maintained is critical to predicting the future
trajectories of ecosystems under climate change; however, our understanding of these …
trajectories of ecosystems under climate change; however, our understanding of these …
The new systematics of Scleractinia: integrating molecular and morphological evidence
The taxonomy of scleractinian corals has traditionally been established based on
morphology at the “macro” scale since the time of Carl Linnaeus. Taxa described using …
morphology at the “macro” scale since the time of Carl Linnaeus. Taxa described using …
The active spread of adaptive variation for reef resilience
The speed at which species adapt depends partly on the rates of beneficial adaptation
generation and how quickly they spread within and among populations. Natural rates of …
generation and how quickly they spread within and among populations. Natural rates of …
Morphological stasis masks ecologically divergent coral species on tropical reefs
Coral reefs are the epitome of species diversity, yet the number of described scleractinian
coral species, the framework-builders of coral reefs, remains moderate by comparison. DNA …
coral species, the framework-builders of coral reefs, remains moderate by comparison. DNA …
Adaptation to reef habitats through selection on the coral animal and its associated microbiome
Spatially adjacent habitats on coral reefs can represent highly distinct environments, often
harbouring different coral communities. Yet, certain coral species thrive across divergent …
harbouring different coral communities. Yet, certain coral species thrive across divergent …
Species-specific microplastic enrichment characteristics of scleractinian corals from reef environment: insights from an in-situ study at the **sha Islands
The microplastic pollution has become a worldwide ecological concerns and imposed
negative impacts on the coral reef ecosystems. In the present study, the distribution and …
negative impacts on the coral reef ecosystems. In the present study, the distribution and …
Priority species to support the functional integrity of coral reefs
Ecosystem-based management on coral reefs has historically focused on biodiversity
conservation through the establishment of marine reserves, but it is increasingly recognised …
conservation through the establishment of marine reserves, but it is increasingly recognised …
Selective breeding and promotion of naturally heat-tolerant coral reef species
Ecosystems face mounting pressures from the cumulative impacts of climate change and
local threats such as nutrient-inputs and overfishing. Environmental degradation has put …
local threats such as nutrient-inputs and overfishing. Environmental degradation has put …
Exploring the role of Micronesian islands in the maintenance of coral genetic diversity in the Pacific Ocean
Understanding how genetic diversity is maintained across patchy marine environments
remains a fundamental problem in marine biology. The Coral Triangle, located in the Indo …
remains a fundamental problem in marine biology. The Coral Triangle, located in the Indo …