A survey of nature-inspired computing: Membrane computing
Nature-inspired computing is a type of human-designed computing motivated by nature,
which is based on the employ of paradigms, mechanisms, and principles underlying natural …
which is based on the employ of paradigms, mechanisms, and principles underlying natural …
Cell-like P systems with channel states and symport/antiport rules
Cell-like P systems with symport/antiport rules are inspired by the structure of a cell and the
way of communicating substances through membrane channels between neighboring …
way of communicating substances through membrane channels between neighboring …
Tissue P systems with antiport rules and small numbers of symbols and cells
We consider tissue P systems with antiport rules and investigate their computational power
when using only a (very) small number of symbols and cells. Even when using only one …
when using only a (very) small number of symbols and cells. Even when using only one …
Computational power of symport/antiport: history, advances, and open problems
We first give a historical overview of the most important results obtained in the area of P
systems and tissue P systems with symport/antiport rules, especially with respect to the …
systems and tissue P systems with symport/antiport rules, especially with respect to the …
On small universal antiport P systems
It is known that P systems with antiport rules simulate register machines, ie, they are
computationally complete. Hence, due to the existence of universal register machines, there …
computationally complete. Hence, due to the existence of universal register machines, there …
Membrane computing concepts, theoretical developments and applications
This chapter discusses the key concepts in Membrane Computing, with some examples
illustrating their usage, the main theoretical developments, by pointing at some of the most …
illustrating their usage, the main theoretical developments, by pointing at some of the most …
Symport/antiport P systems with three objects are universal
G Păun, MJ Pérez-Jiménez, J Pazos… - Fundamenta …, 2005 - content.iospress.com
The operations of symport and antiport, directly inspired from biology, are already known to
be rather powerful when used in the framework of P systems. In this paper we confirm this …
be rather powerful when used in the framework of P systems. In this paper we confirm this …
Communicative P systems with minimal cooperation
A Alhazov, M Margenstern, V Rogozhin… - … Workshop, WMC 2004 …, 2005 - Springer
We prove that two classes of communicative P systems with 3 membranes and with minimal
cooperation, namely P systems with symport/antiport rules of size 1 and and P systems with …
cooperation, namely P systems with symport/antiport rules of size 1 and and P systems with …
[КНИГА][B] Membrane Computing: International Workshop, WMC 2003, Tarragona, Spain, July 17-22, 2003, Revised Papers
This volume is based on papers presented at the Workshop on Membrane Computing, WMC
2003, which took place in Tarragona, Spain, in the-riod July 17-July 22, 2003. This was the …
2003, which took place in Tarragona, Spain, in the-riod July 17-July 22, 2003. This was the …
[PDF][PDF] Study of language-theoretic computational paradigms inspired by biology
S Verlan - 2010 - lacl.fr
Résumé Nos travaux de recherche se situent dans le domaine de la théorie des langages
formels. Cependant, l'objet de nos études sont les opérations sur les mots et les modèles de …
formels. Cependant, l'objet de nos études sont les opérations sur les mots et les modèles de …