[PDF][PDF] Conductivity of thermotropic ionic liquid crystals

A Gridyakina - Proсeedings of the National Aviation University, 2015 - irbis-nbuv.gov.ua
The article represents the results of electrical conductivity studies of cobalt decanoate and
lead decanoate oriented samples. It was determined that samples are weak electrolytes in …

Електропровідність термотропних іонних рідких кристалів

A Gridyakina - Proceedings of National Aviation University, 2015 - jrnl.nau.edu.ua
The article represents the results of electrical conductivity studies of cobalt decanoate and
lead decanoate oriented samples. It was determined that samples are weak electrolytes in …

[PDF][PDF] Conductivity of composites of thermotropic ionic liquid crystals

AV Gridyakina - Electronics and control systems, 2015 - irbis-nbuv.gov.ua
This work presents the studies of the transport properties of samples of oriented binary
composite of cobalt decanoate with lead decanoate. Found that samples of the mixture at …