Face/off: Preventing privacy leakage from photos in social networks
The capabilities of modern devices, coupled with the almost ubiquitous availability of
Internet connectivity, have resulted in photos being shared online at an unprecedented …
Internet connectivity, have resulted in photos being shared online at an unprecedented …
I am robot:(deep) learning to break semantic image captchas
Since their inception, captchas have been widely used for preventing fraudsters from
performing illicit actions. Nevertheless, economic incentives have resulted in an arms race …
performing illicit actions. Nevertheless, economic incentives have resulted in an arms race …
The cookie hunter: Automated black-box auditing for web authentication and authorization flaws
In this paper, we focus on authentication and authorization flaws in web apps that enable
partial or full access to user accounts. Specifically, we develop a novel fully automated black …
partial or full access to user accounts. Specifically, we develop a novel fully automated black …
Social authentication applications, attacks, defense strategies and future research directions: a systematic review
The ever-increasing volumes of social knowledge shared in online social networks, the
establishment of trustworthy social relationships over these platforms, and the emergence of …
establishment of trustworthy social relationships over these platforms, and the emergence of …
All your location are belong to us: Breaking mobile social networks for automated user location tracking
Location-based social networks (LBSNs) feature friend discovery by location proximity that
has attracted hundreds of millions of users world-wide. While leading LBSN providers claim …
has attracted hundreds of millions of users world-wide. While leading LBSN providers claim …
Phish in sheep's clothing: Exploring the authentication pitfalls of browser fingerprinting
As users navigate the web they face a multitude of threats; among them, attacks that result in
account compromise can be particularly devastating. In a world fraught with data breaches …
account compromise can be particularly devastating. In a world fraught with data breaches …
A systematic survey on CAPTCHA recognition: types, creation and breaking techniques
CAPTCHA stands for Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and
Human Apart. CAPTCHA is used for internet security. A few CAPTCHA schemes are …
Human Apart. CAPTCHA is used for internet security. A few CAPTCHA schemes are …
Virtual u: Defeating face liveness detection by building virtual models from your public photos
In this paper, we introduce a novel approach to bypass modern face authentication systems.
More specifically, by leveraging a handful of pictures of the target user taken from social …
More specifically, by leveraging a handful of pictures of the target user taken from social …
A Comparative Long-Term Study of Fallback Authentication Schemes
Fallback authentication, the process of re-establishing access to an account when the
primary authenticator is unavailable, holds critical significance. Approaches range from …
primary authenticator is unavailable, holds critical significance. Approaches range from …
SoK: Web Authentication in the Age of End-to-End Encryption
The advent of end-to-end encrypted (E2EE) messaging and backup services has brought
new challenges for usable authentication. Compared to regular web services, the nature of …
new challenges for usable authentication. Compared to regular web services, the nature of …