Malware dynamic analysis evasion techniques: A survey
The cyber world is plagued with ever-evolving malware that readily infiltrate all defense
mechanisms, operate viciously unbeknownst to the user, and surreptitiously exfiltrate …
mechanisms, operate viciously unbeknownst to the user, and surreptitiously exfiltrate …
A survey and evaluation of android-based malware evasion techniques and detection frameworks
Android platform security is an active area of research where malware detection techniques
continuously evolve to identify novel malware and improve the timely and accurate detection …
continuously evolve to identify novel malware and improve the timely and accurate detection …
Retrowrite: Statically instrumenting cots binaries for fuzzing and sanitization
Analyzing the security of closed source binaries is currently impractical for end-users, or
even developers who rely on third-party libraries. Such analysis relies on automatic …
even developers who rely on third-party libraries. Such analysis relies on automatic …
An {In-Depth} Analysis of Disassembly on {Full-Scale} x86/x64 Binaries
It is well-known that static disassembly is an unsolved problem, but how much of a problem
is it in real software—for instance, for binary protection schemes? This work studies the …
is it in real software—for instance, for binary protection schemes? This work studies the …
Hercule: Attack story reconstruction via community discovery on correlated log graph
Advanced cyber attacks consist of multiple stages aimed at being stealthy and elusive. Such
attack patterns leave their footprints spatio-temporally dispersed across many different logs …
attack patterns leave their footprints spatio-temporally dispersed across many different logs …
A survey on automated dynamic malware analysis evasion and counter-evasion: Pc, mobile, and web
Automated dynamic malware analysis systems are important in combating the proliferation
of modern malware. Unfortunately, malware can often easily detect and evade these …
of modern malware. Unfortunately, malware can often easily detect and evade these …
Binary code is not easy
Binary code analysis is an enabling technique for many applications. Modern compilers and
run-time libraries have introduced significant complexities to binary code, which negatively …
run-time libraries have introduced significant complexities to binary code, which negatively …
Does every second count? time-based evolution of malware behavior in sandboxes
The amount of time in which a sample is executed is one of the key parameters of a malware
analysis sandbox. Setting the threshold too high hinders the scalability and reduces the …
analysis sandbox. Setting the threshold too high hinders the scalability and reduces the …
An inside look into the practice of malware analysis
Malware analysis aims to understand how malicious software carries out actions necessary
for a successful attack and identify the possible impacts of the attack. While there has been …
for a successful attack and identify the possible impacts of the attack. While there has been …
Mc2: Rigorous and efficient directed greybox fuzzing
Directed greybox fuzzing is a popular technique for targeted software testing that seeks to
find inputs that reach a set of target sites in a program. Most existing directed greybox …
find inputs that reach a set of target sites in a program. Most existing directed greybox …