Defects and anomalies in powder bed fusion metal additive manufacturing
Metal additive manufacturing is a disruptive technology that is revolutionizing the
manufacturing industry. Despite its unrivaled capability for directly fabricating metal parts …
manufacturing industry. Despite its unrivaled capability for directly fabricating metal parts …
Multi-scale defects in powder-based additively manufactured metals and alloys
Defect formation is a critical challenge for powder-based metal additive manufacturing (AM).
Current understanding on the three important issues including formation mechanism …
Current understanding on the three important issues including formation mechanism …
Microstructural evolution and tensile property enhancement of remanufactured Ti6Al4V using hybrid manufacturing of laser directed energy deposition with laser …
Laser-directed energy deposition (LDED) provides an attractive and cost-effective way to
remanufacture high-value engineering components. However, the LDED manufactured …
remanufacture high-value engineering components. However, the LDED manufactured …
[HTML][HTML] Effects of defects on mechanical properties in metal additive manufacturing: A review focusing on X-ray tomography insights
X-ray tomography has emerged as a uniquely powerful and non-destructive tool to analyze
defects in additive manufacturing. Defects include unintended porosity, rough surfaces and …
defects in additive manufacturing. Defects include unintended porosity, rough surfaces and …
[HTML][HTML] Review of laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) fabricated Ti-6Al-4V: process, post-process treatment, microstructure, and property
Laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) is a timely important additive manufacturing technique that
offers many opportunities for fabricating three-dimensional complex shaped components at …
offers many opportunities for fabricating three-dimensional complex shaped components at …
X-ray microcomputed tomography in additive manufacturing: a review of the current technology and applications
X-ray microcomputed tomography (microCT) has become an established method of testing
and analyzing additively manufactured parts in recent years, being especially useful and …
and analyzing additively manufactured parts in recent years, being especially useful and …
Additive manufacturing of metals: a brief review of the characteristic microstructures and properties of steels, Ti-6Al-4V and high-entropy alloys
We present a brief review of the microstructures and mechanical properties of selected
metallic alloys processed by additive manufacturing (AM). Three different alloys, covering a …
metallic alloys processed by additive manufacturing (AM). Three different alloys, covering a …
A review of powder additive manufacturing processes for metallic biomaterials
Metal additive manufacturing (metal-AM) has undergone a remarkable evolution over the
past three decades. It was first used solely as an innovative resource of the prototype. Due to …
past three decades. It was first used solely as an innovative resource of the prototype. Due to …
Compressive mechanical properties and energy absorption characteristics of SLM fabricated Ti6Al4V triply periodic minimal surface cellular structures
Q Sun, J Sun, K Guo, L Wang - Mechanics of Materials, 2022 - Elsevier
This study investigates the compressive mechanical properties and energy absorption
characteristics of three types of triply periodic minimal surface (TPMS) Ti6Al4V cellular …
characteristics of three types of triply periodic minimal surface (TPMS) Ti6Al4V cellular …
Role of martensite decomposition in tensile properties of selective laser melted Ti-6Al-4V
S Cao, R Chu, X Zhou, K Yang, Q Jia, CVS Lim… - Journal of Alloys and …, 2018 - Elsevier
Abstract The as-Selective Laser Melted (as-SLMed) Ti-6Al-4V generally has a martensitic
microstructure. In the present study, martensite decomposition was investigated in various …
microstructure. In the present study, martensite decomposition was investigated in various …