Fecundity selection theory: concepts and evidence
Fitness results from an optimal balance between survival, mating success and fecundity. The
interactions between these three components of fitness vary depending on the selective …
interactions between these three components of fitness vary depending on the selective …
Morphology and distribution of scales, dermal ossifications, and other non‐feather integumentary structures in non‐avialan theropod dinosaurs
Modern birds are typified by the presence of feathers, complex evolutionary innovations that
were already widespread in the group of theropod dinosaurs (Maniraptoriformes) that …
were already widespread in the group of theropod dinosaurs (Maniraptoriformes) that …
Sexually antagonistic selection, sexual dimorphism, and the resolution of intralocus sexual conflict
Males and females share most of their genomes and express many of the same traits, yet the
sexes often have markedly different selective optima for these shared traits. This sexually …
sexes often have markedly different selective optima for these shared traits. This sexually …
Climate-driven population divergence in sex-determining systems
Sex determination is a fundamental biological process, yet its mechanisms are remarkably
diverse,. In vertebrates, sex can be determined by inherited genetic factors or by the …
diverse,. In vertebrates, sex can be determined by inherited genetic factors or by the …
Multivariate and geometric morphometrics in the analysis of sexual dimorphism variation in Podarcis lizards
A Kaliontzopoulou, MA Carretero… - Journal of …, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
Podarcis bocagei and P. carbonelli are two closely related lacertid species, very similar
morphologically and ecologically. We investigated sexual dimorphism patterns presented by …
morphologically and ecologically. We investigated sexual dimorphism patterns presented by …
Sexual size dimorphism in lizards: Rensch's rule, reproductive mode, clutch size, and line fitting method effects
Rensch's rule relates to a pattern whereby sexual size dimorphism is more female‐biased in
small‐sized species and more male‐biased in large‐sized ones. We collected literature and …
small‐sized species and more male‐biased in large‐sized ones. We collected literature and …
Multiple signals in chameleon contests: designing and analysing animal contests as a tournament
Traditionally, studies of intrasexual selection have focused on single traits that are more
exaggerated in males. Relatively little is known about systems in which traits are larger in …
exaggerated in males. Relatively little is known about systems in which traits are larger in …
[HTML][HTML] The evolution of sexual dimorphism: understanding mechanisms of sexual shape differences
CM Berns - Sexual dimorphism, 2013 - intechopen.com
Understanding the origin of biodiversity has been a major focus in evolutionary and
ecological biology for well over a century and several patterns and mechanisms have been …
ecological biology for well over a century and several patterns and mechanisms have been …
Include the females: morphology–performance relationships vary between sexes in lizards
An animal's morphology influences its ability to perform essential tasks, such as locomoting
to obtain prey or escape predators. While morphology–performance relationships are well …
to obtain prey or escape predators. While morphology–performance relationships are well …
Head shape allometry and proximate causes of head sexual dimorphism in Podarcis lizards: joining linear and geometric morphometrics
A Kaliontzopoulou, MA Carretero… - Biological Journal of …, 2008 - academic.oup.com
Podarcis bocagei and Podarcis carbonelli are two lacertid species endemic to the western
Iberian Peninsula, and both show head size and shape sexual dimorphism. We studied …
Iberian Peninsula, and both show head size and shape sexual dimorphism. We studied …