Nobel Lecture: Controlling photons in a box and exploring<? format?> the quantum to classical boundary

S Haroche - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2013 - APS
Microwave photons trapped in a superconducting cavity constitute an ideal system to realize
some of the thought experiments imagined by the founding fathers of quantum physics. The …

Quantum statistical theories of spontaneous emission and their relation to other approaches

GS Agarwal - Quantum Optics, 2006 - Springer
The purpose of this article is to review spontaneous emission from several different
viewpoints, although a large part of it will be devoted to the quantum statistical theories of …

[BOK][B] Exploring the quantum: atoms, cavities, and photons

S Haroche, JM Raimond - 2006 -
The counter-intuitive aspects of quantum physics have been for long illustrated by thought
experiments, from Einstein's photon box to Schrödinger's cat. These experiments have now …

Rydberg superatoms: An artificial quantum system for quantum information processing and quantum optics

XQ Shao, SL Su, L Li, R Nath, JH Wu, W Li - Applied Physics Reviews, 2024 -
Rydberg superatoms: An artificial quantum system for quantum information processing and
quantum optics | Applied Physics Reviews | AIP Publishing Skip to Main Content Umbrella Alt …

Observation of self-induced Rabi oscillations in two-level atoms excited inside a resonant cavity: The ringing regime of superradiance

Y Kaluzny, P Goy, M Gross, JM Raimond, S Haroche - Physical review letters, 1983 - APS
A collection of N Rydberg atoms and a resonant millimeter-wave cavity are shown to
exchange energy back and forth at a rate 2 (d ℏ) E 0 N, where d is the electric dipole matrix …

[BOK][B] Advances in finite time thermodynamics: analysis and optimization

L Chen - 2004 -
Over 170 years ago, Sadi Carnot, a French engineer, published his famous article"
Reflections on the motive power of fire" and established a new field of science: classical …

Nonequilibrium phase transition in a dilute Rydberg ensemble

C Carr, R Ritter, CG Wade, CS Adams, KJ Weatherill - Physical review letters, 2013 - APS
We demonstrate a nonequilibrium phase transition in a dilute thermal atomic gas. The phase
transition, between states of low and high Rydberg occupancy, is induced by resonant …

[BOK][B] Super-radiance: multiatomic coherent emission

MG Benedict - 2018 -
Super-radiance: Multiatomic Coherent Emission provides a comprehensive, self-contained
account of the theory and experiments of the quantum optic phenomenon of superradiance …

Collective quantum jumps of Rydberg atoms

TE Lee, H Haeffner, MC Cross - Physical review letters, 2012 - APS
We study an open quantum system of atoms with a long-range Rydberg interaction, laser
driving, and spontaneous emission. Over time, the system occasionally jumps between a …

Emergent dark states from superradiant dynamics in multilevel atoms in a cavity

A Piñeiro Orioli, JK Thompson, AM Rey - Physical Review X, 2022 - APS
We investigate the collective decay dynamics of atoms with a generic multilevel structure
(angular momenta F↔ F′) coupled to two light modes of different polarization inside a …