Advances and challenges in modeling high-speed turbulent combustion in propulsion systems
Combustion environments in propulsion systems involve the interaction of a variety of
physics. In devices such as augmentors, ramjets and scramjets, such environments include …
physics. In devices such as augmentors, ramjets and scramjets, such environments include …
Kerosene-fueled supersonic combustion modeling based on skeletal mechanisms
A brief review of the recent advances in kerosene-fueled supersonic combustion modeling is
present by comparing the fuels, reviewing the kinetic mechanisms, and introducing recent …
present by comparing the fuels, reviewing the kinetic mechanisms, and introducing recent …
Interaction of chemical reactions and turbulence in a jet in supersonic crossflow
A sonic hydrogen jet issuing into a high-temperature Mach 2.48 crossflow is studied in order
to assess the interaction between chemical reactions and turbulence in high-speed …
to assess the interaction between chemical reactions and turbulence in high-speed …
Small skeletal kinetic reaction mechanism for ethylene–air combustion
Ethylene is a fuel considered for high-speed ram-and scramjet combustion applications,
mainly because of the short ignition delay time resulting from its high reactivity. Further …
mainly because of the short ignition delay time resulting from its high reactivity. Further …
Investigation of strut-ramp injector in a Scramjet combustor: Effect of strut geometry, fuel and jet diameter on mixing characteristics
The strut-based injector has been found to be one of the most promising injector designs for
a supersonic combustor, offering enhanced mixing of fuel and air. The mixing and flow field …
a supersonic combustor, offering enhanced mixing of fuel and air. The mixing and flow field …
Full-scale detached eddy simulation of kerosene fueled scramjet combustor based on skeletal mechanism
Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of kerosene fueled scramjet combustor is generally scare in
the literature, due mainly to the formidable computational cost arisen by complex kerosene …
the literature, due mainly to the formidable computational cost arisen by complex kerosene …
Scramjet engine flowpath that improves specific impulse using JP-7 fuel
A flowpath geometry was computed that improves the specific impulse of a dual-mode
scramjet engine in a generic X-51 hypersonic vehicle. Six parameters were varied: inlet …
scramjet engine in a generic X-51 hypersonic vehicle. Six parameters were varied: inlet …
Morphology of quasi-direct-current discharges collocated with fuel jets in a supersonic crossflow
This study is focused on the morphology of a quasi-DC discharge generated concurrently
with a jet of fuel injected normally into Mach 2 crossflow. It was observed that the filamentary …
with a jet of fuel injected normally into Mach 2 crossflow. It was observed that the filamentary …
Development of skeletal kerosene mechanisms and application to supersonic combustion
Small-size kerosene mechanisms suitable for supersonic combustion modelings are
generally scarce in the literature. This study presents five sets of skeletal kerosene …
generally scarce in the literature. This study presents five sets of skeletal kerosene …
Numerical investigation on mixing and combustion of transverse hydrogen jet in a high-enthalpy supersonic crossflow
Mixing and combustion characteristics of a three-dimensional unsteady reacting flowfield
generated by transverse hydrogen jet into high-enthalpy supersonic crossflow are …
generated by transverse hydrogen jet into high-enthalpy supersonic crossflow are …