[КНИГА][B] Animal alterity: Science fiction and the question of the animal
S Vint - 2010 - books.google.com
Animal Alterity uses readings of science fiction texts to explore the centrality of animals for
our ways of thinking about human. It argues that the academic field of animal studies and the …
our ways of thinking about human. It argues that the academic field of animal studies and the …
Moored metamorphoses: A retrospective essay on feminist science studies
B Subramaniam - Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and …, 2009 - journals.uchicago.edu
Abstract “Moored Metamorphoses” presents a retrospective on the development of feminist
science studies as well as reflections on the current configurations and future possibilities of …
science studies as well as reflections on the current configurations and future possibilities of …
State power and technological citizenship in India: From the postcolonial to the digital age
In this article we seek to nuance our understanding of the technologically mediated
relationship of state and citizen, first, by framing these relations in terms of Michel Foucault's …
relationship of state and citizen, first, by framing these relations in terms of Michel Foucault's …
Exploring tensions in knowledge networks: Convergences and divergences from social capital, actor-network theory and sociologies of the south
M Suarez Estrada - Current Sociology, 2017 - journals.sagepub.com
Knowledge networks have been discussed as mechanisms that facilitate access to
resources and information. They are noted as organizations that promote the generation of …
resources and information. They are noted as organizations that promote the generation of …
[PDF][PDF] Digitalni odrast i postdigitalna dobra
M Hibert - Multimedijalni institut i Institut za političku ekologiju …, 2018 - ipe.hr
Kada sam se prije dvanaest godina odlučio posvetiti istra živanju teorije bibliotekarstva,
posebice načina kako se bibliotečki praxis rekontekstualizira u domen informacijske etike i …
posebice načina kako se bibliotečki praxis rekontekstualizira u domen informacijske etike i …
Biopiracy and vaccines: Indonesia and the World Health Organization's new pandemic influenza plan
S Smallman - journal of international & global studies, 2013 - pdxscholar.library.pdx.edu
Viral samples of avian influenza are essential to preparing pre-pandemic vaccines. In 2007,
the conflicting interests of the developed and develo** nations led Indonesia to briefly …
the conflicting interests of the developed and develo** nations led Indonesia to briefly …
[КНИГА][B] Environmental apocalypse in science and art: designing nightmares
S Fava - 2013 - taylorfrancis.com
At a time when it is clear that climate change adaptation and mitigation are failing, this book
examines how our assumptions about (valid and usable) knowledge are preventing effective …
examines how our assumptions about (valid and usable) knowledge are preventing effective …
Transnational times: locality, globality and mobility in technology design and use
This workshop will bring together an interdisciplinary group of scholars to explore the role of
ubiquitous computing, the use of information and communication technologies and the …
ubiquitous computing, the use of information and communication technologies and the …
Capital mobility and knowledge diffusion from China into Ghana's agricultural sector
JW Ansah - 2020 - ir.ucc.edu.gh
China's presence in Africa's development process represents new configurations in
international relationships expressed in capital mobility and knowledge diffusion.(CMKD) …
international relationships expressed in capital mobility and knowledge diffusion.(CMKD) …
[HTML][HTML] Feminización y popularización de ciencia y tecnología en la política científica colombiana e india
T Pérez Bustos - Revista iberoamericana de ciencia tecnología y …, 2011 - SciELO Argentina
Feminización y popularización de ciencia y tecnología en la política científica colombiana e
india SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online vol.6 número17 Percepción social de la …
india SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online vol.6 número17 Percepción social de la …