Density functional theory: Foundations reviewed
ES Kryachko, EV Ludena - Physics Reports, 2014 - Elsevier
Guided by the above motto (quotation), we review a broad range of issues lying at the
foundations of Density Functional Theory, DFT, a theory which is currently omnipresent in …
foundations of Density Functional Theory, DFT, a theory which is currently omnipresent in …
Two-electron reduced density matrix as the basic variable in many-electron quantum chemistry and physics
DA Mazziotti - Chemical reviews, 2012 - ACS Publications
When Schrödinger1 derived the now-famous equation bearing his name in 1925, new
possibilities emerged for the theoretical and computational prediction of energies and …
possibilities emerged for the theoretical and computational prediction of energies and …
Quantum Many-Body Theory from a Solution of the -Representability Problem
DA Mazziotti - Physical Review Letters, 2023 - APS
Here we present a many-body theory based on a solution of the N-representability problem
in which the ground-state two-particle reduced density matrix (2-RDM) is determined directly …
in which the ground-state two-particle reduced density matrix (2-RDM) is determined directly …
Strong correlation in acene sheets from the active-space variational two-electron reduced density matrix method: effects of symmetry and size
K Pelzer, L Greenman, G Gidofalvi… - The Journal of Physical …, 2011 - ACS Publications
Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a class of organic molecules with importance in
several branches of science, including medicine, combustion chemistry, and materials …
several branches of science, including medicine, combustion chemistry, and materials …
[HTML][HTML] Functional N-representability in 2-matrix, 1-matrix, and density functional theories
EV Ludeña, FJ Torres, C Costa - Journal of Modern Physics, 2013 - scirp.org
The N-representability conditions on the reduced second-order reduced density matrix (2-
RDM), impose restrictions not only in the context of reduced density matrix theory (RDMT) …
RDM), impose restrictions not only in the context of reduced density matrix theory (RDMT) …
Measurement-driven reconstruction of many-particle quantum processes by semidefinite programming with application to photosynthetic light harvesting
Quantum measurements provide a trove of information about a quantum system or process
without solution of the Schrödnger equation, and in principle, the associated density matrix …
without solution of the Schrödnger equation, and in principle, the associated density matrix …
Highly multireferenced arynes studied with large active spaces using two-electron reduced density matrices
L Greenman, DA Mazziotti - The Journal of chemical physics, 2009 - pubs.aip.org
Using the active-space two-electron reduced density matrix (2-RDM) method, which scales
polynomially with the size of the active space [G. Gidofalvi and DA Mazziotti, J. Chem. Phys …
polynomially with the size of the active space [G. Gidofalvi and DA Mazziotti, J. Chem. Phys …
[PDF][PDF] Теорiя функцiонала густини в атомнiй фiзицi
ЄС Крячко, ЄЮ Ремета - УФЖ, 2014 - archive.ujp.bitp.kiev.ua
Наведено огляд широкого спектра питань, що лежать в основi теорiї функцiонала
густини, ТФГ, яка у теперiшнiй час є всюдисущою практично у всiх розрахункових …
густини, ТФГ, яка у теперiшнiй час є всюдисущою практично у всiх розрахункових …
Density functional theory in atomic physics
ES Kryachko, EY Remeta - Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 2014 - ujp.bitp.kiev.ua
We offer a broad range of issues lying at the heart of density functional theory, DFT, which is
currently omnipresent in nearly all computational studies of atoms, molecules, solids, and …
currently omnipresent in nearly all computational studies of atoms, molecules, solids, and …
Non-Born–Oppenheimer electron, nuclear and nuclear–electron second-order density matrices for exactly solvable four-particle model system
Abstract Properties of the non-Born–Oppenheimer two-matrix are examined for four-particle
systems of the Coulomb–Hooke and Moshinsky types. We obtain for both these models …
systems of the Coulomb–Hooke and Moshinsky types. We obtain for both these models …