Leaving no one behind in armed conflict-affected settings of Africa: is universal health coverage a possibility or mirage?

OO Olu, A Petu, A Usman - Global Health Research and Policy, 2024 - Springer
The world is off track six years to the 2030 deadline for attaining the sustainable
development goals and universal health coverage. This is particularly evident in Africa's …

War and peace in public health education and training: a sco** review

L Wandschneider, A Nowak, M Miller, A Grün… - BMC public health, 2024 - Springer
Background Armed conflict and war are public health disasters. Public health action has a
crucial role in conflict-related emergencies and rehabilitation but also in war prevention and …

Health can contribute to peace in the Eastern Mediterranean Region—what should be done to make it happen?

W Khan, M Jama, A Pesigan, A Seita, M El-Adawy… - The Lancet, 2023 - thelancet.com
The Lancet Commission on Peaceful Societies Through Health Equity and Gender Equality
provides evidence that health and gender equality offer distinctive advantages to promoting …

The Silent Casualties: War's Impact on Medical Students and Medical Education

BD Takoutsing, MA Găman, JC Puyana… - International Journal of …, 2023 - ijms.pitt.edu
Medical education has always been a vital aspect of both health and educational systems,
largely because of its significant role in enhancing health outcomes and its capacity to …

When a Patient Leaves Your Care, How Do You Want Them to Feel?

V Olaker, KC Stange, P Terebuh - AMA Journal of …, 2024 - journalofethics.ama-assn.org
Peacefulness is a potentially healing inner state that can be fostered by skilled interpersonal
interactions. Skilled interactions in health care are those in which clinicians focus on making …

Peace in Health Care

T Nicholas, G Holt - AMA Journal of Ethics, 2024 - journalofethics.ama-assn.org
Peace and health are inextricably connected2: without one's health, one's capacity for peace
and contentment can be compromised; and, without feeling that one can reliably access …

[BOK][B] Strategies healthcare managers use to reduce employee turnover

CS Atkins - 2019 - search.proquest.com
Healthcare managers who are unaware of the various strategies that exist for reducing
turnover could adversely affect patient care, organizational morale and performance, and …

Sağlik diplomasisi: türkiye için model önerisi

N Kahraman - 2019 - search.proquest.com
Yeni bir politika alanı olan sağlık diplomasisi; kamu diplomasisinin uygulama alanıdır. Kamu
diplomasisi; dış politika hedeflerini gerçekleştirmek amacıyla bir ülkenin yabancı halkları …

Contribution Of Grass Root Organizations To Community Cohesion In Urban Informal Settlements: A Case Of Kibra, Nairobi, Kenya

CJ Agaya - 2022 - repository.kisiiuniversity.ac.ke
There has been a proliferation of grassroot organizations in informal settlements as
mechanisms of dealing with various socio-economic challenges, among them inter …

[PDF][PDF] Turn War into Peace

L Ben-Nun - Research Gate, BN Publication House. Israel, 2021 - researchgate.net
Pannabecker (1) mentioned that after nearly a quarter century of war, France faced the
challenge of retooling for peace. From 1822 to 1835 a team of five savant-technologists …