A self-supervised deep learning approach for blind denoising and waveform coherence enhancement in distributed acoustic sensing data
Fiber-optic distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) is an emerging technology for vibration
measurements with numerous applications in seismic signal analysis, including …
measurements with numerous applications in seismic signal analysis, including …
Shallow very-low-frequency earthquakes accompany slow slip events in the Nankai subduction zone
Recent studies of slow earthquakes along plate boundaries have shown that tectonic tremor,
low-frequency earthquakes, very-low-frequency events (VLFEs), and slow-slip events …
low-frequency earthquakes, very-low-frequency events (VLFEs), and slow-slip events …
Slow earthquakes in the microseism frequency band (0.1–1.0 Hz) off Kii Peninsula, Japan
It is difficult to detect the signal of slow deformation in the 0.1–1.0 Hz frequency band
between tectonic tremors and very low frequency events, where microseism noise is …
between tectonic tremors and very low frequency events, where microseism noise is …
Slow earthquakes illuminating interplate coupling heterogeneities in subduction zones
Slow earthquakes are mainly distributed in the vicinity of seismogenic zones of megathrust
earthquakes and relationships between both types of earthquakes are expected. We …
earthquakes and relationships between both types of earthquakes are expected. We …
Variations in slow slip moment rate associated with rapid tremor reversals in C ascadia
During large slow slip events, tremor sometimes propagates in the reverse along‐strike
direction for a few hours, at speeds 10 to 40 times faster than the forward propagation. We …
direction for a few hours, at speeds 10 to 40 times faster than the forward propagation. We …
Comprehensive detection of very low frequency earthquakes off the Hokkaido and Tohoku Pacific coasts, northeastern Japan
Very low frequency earthquakes (VLFEs), classified as one type of slow earthquake, occur
near seismogenic zones and can be a proxy for interplate slow slip. We investigated VLFE …
near seismogenic zones and can be a proxy for interplate slow slip. We investigated VLFE …
Comment on “sources of long‐range anthropogenic noise in southern California and implications for tectonic tremor detection” by Asaf Inbal, Tudor Cristea‐Platon …
Inbal et al.(2018; hereafter, I18) dismissed all the tremor events found in Hutchison and
Ghosh (2017; hereafter, HG17) as noise or earthquakes. Despite these assertions, and …
Ghosh (2017; hereafter, HG17) as noise or earthquakes. Despite these assertions, and …
Alternative source models of very low frequency events
We present alternative source models for very low frequency (VLF) events, previously
inferred to be radiation from individual slow earthquakes that partly fill the period range …
inferred to be radiation from individual slow earthquakes that partly fill the period range …
Very low frequency earthquakes in between the seismogenic and tremor zones in Cascadia?
Megathrust earthquakes and their associated tsunamis cause some of the worst natural
disasters. In addition to earthquakes, a wide range of slip behaviors are present at …
disasters. In addition to earthquakes, a wide range of slip behaviors are present at …
Widespread very low frequency earthquakes (VLFEs) activity offshore Cascadia
A significant amount of stress in the Cascadia subduction zone (CSZ) is released by different
forms of slow earthquakes including tremors, low‐frequency earthquakes, and very low …
forms of slow earthquakes including tremors, low‐frequency earthquakes, and very low …