The impact of social assistance programs on population health: a systematic review of research in high-income countries

FV Shahidi, C Ramraj, O Sod-Erdene, V Hildebrand… - BMC public health, 2019 - Springer
Background Socioeconomic disadvantage is a fundamental cause of morbidity and
mortality. One of the most important ways that governments buffer the adverse …

COVID-19, poverty reduction, and partisanship in Canada and the United States

D Béland, S Dinan, P Rocco, A Waddan - Policy and Society, 2022 -
Poor people proved especially vulnerable to economic disruption during the coronavirus
disease (COVID-19) pandemic, which highlighted the importance of poverty reduction as a …

Basic income in a small town: Understanding the elusive effects on work

D Calnitsky, JP Latner - Social Problems, 2017 -
This paper examines the impact of a guaranteed annual income experiment from the 1970s
called the Manitoba Basic Annual Income Experiment (Mincome). We examine Mincome's …

The lost and the new 'liberal world'of welfare capitalism: A critical assessment of Gøsta Es**-Andersen's the three worlds of welfare capitalism a quarter century later

C Deeming - Social Policy and Society, 2017 -
Celebrating the 25th birthday of Gøsta Es**-Andersen's seminal book The Three Worlds
of Welfare Capitalism (1990), this article looks back at the old 'liberal world'and examines …

Predictors of household food insecurity and relationship with obesity in First Nations communities in British Columbia, Manitoba, Alberta and Ontario

A Domingo, J Spiegel, M Guhn, H Wittman… - Public Health …, 2021 -
Objective: To further understandings of household food insecurity in First Nations
communities in Canada and its relationship with obesity. Design: Analysis of a cross …

Examining patterns of food bank use over twenty-five years in Vancouver, Canada

JL Black, D Seto - Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and …, 2020 - Springer
Food banks have grown substantially in Canada since the 1980s but little is known about
patterns or predictors of engagement including frequency or duration of service use. This …

Understanding universality within a liberal welfare regime: The case of universal social programs in Canada

D Béland, GP Marchildon, MJ Prince - Social Inclusion, 2020 -
Although Canada is known as a liberal welfare regime, universality is a key issue in that
country, as several major social programs are universal in both their core principles and …

Représentations médiatiques et opinion publique de l'assistance sociale au Québec

N Landry, A Blanchet, S Rocheleau, AM Gagné… - Nouvelles pratiques …, 2021 -
Cet article présente les méthodes, les analyses et les résultats de travaux de recherche
portant sur la couverture médiatique de l'assistance sociale au Québec et sur les opinions …

Policy or window dressing? Exploring the impact of poverty reduction strategies on poverty among the Canadian provinces

C Plante - Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy, 2019 -
Poverty reduction strategies (PRS) have become a popular instrument for addressing
poverty globally. According to their proponents, PRS focus and coordinate poverty reduction …

Trading blame: Drawing boundaries around the righteous, deserving and vulnerable in times of crisis

J Foster, D Pettinicchio, M Maroto, A Holmes… - Sociology, 2023 -
Symbolic boundaries shape how we see and understand both ourselves and those around
us. Amid periods of crisis, these boundaries can appear more salient, sharpening …