[KÖNYV][B] Chaotic billiards

N Chernov, R Markarian - 2006 - books.google.com
This book covers one of the most exciting but most difficult topics in the modern theory of
dynamical systems: chaotic billiards. In physics, billiard models describe various mechanical …

Rational billiards and flat structures

H Masur, S Tabachnikov - Handbook of dynamical systems, 2002 - Elsevier
Publisher Summary The theory of mathematical billiards can be partitioned into three areas:
convex billiards with smooth boundaries, billiards in polygons (and polyhedra), and …

[KÖNYV][B] An introduction to mathematical billiards

UA Rozikov - 2019 - World Scientific
In this chapter we briefly give the theory (without proofs) of discrete and continuous-time
dynamical systems. This will be helpful for the reader, because a mathematical billiard which …

Periodic billiard orbits are dense in rational polygons

M Boshernitzan, G Galperin, T Krüger… - Transactions of the …, 1998 - ams.org
ball, ie a point mass, moves inside a polyg Page 1 TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN …

Thermodynamics and complexity of simple transport phenomena

OG Jepps, L Rondoni - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and …, 2006 - iopscience.iop.org
We examine the transport behaviour of non-interacting particles in a simple channel billiard,
at equilibrium and in the presence of an external field. We observe a range of sub-diffusive …

Occurrence of normal and anomalous diffusion in polygonal billiard channels

DP Sanders, H Larralde - Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft …, 2006 - APS
From extensive numerical simulations, we find that periodic polygonal billiard channels with
angles which are irrational multiples of π generically exhibit normal diffusion (linear growth …

[PDF][PDF] Lissajous knots and billiard knots

V Jones, J Przytycki - Banach Center Publications, 1998 - bibliotekanauki.pl
We show that Lissajous knots are equivalent to billiard knots in a cube. We consider also
knots in general 3-dimensional billiard tables. We analyse symmetry of knots in billiard …

[PDF][PDF] IV. The Dynamics of Billiard Flows in Rational Polygons

J Smillie - 2000 - www-fourier.ujf-grenoble.fr
Billiard systems provide classic examples of simple mechanical systems. Among such
systems the simplest are those that model the motion of a single particle in a region P of the …

Onset of diffusive behavior in confined transport systems

OG Jepps, C Bianca, L Rondoni - Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal …, 2008 - pubs.aip.org
We investigate the onset of diffusive behavior in polygonal channels for disks of finite size,
modeling simple microporous membranes. It is well established that the point-particle case …

Complexity and growth for polygonal billiards

J Cassaigne, P Hubert, S Troubetzkoy - Annales de l'institut Fourier, 2002 - numdam.org
A billiard ball, ie a point mass, moves inside a polygon Q c JR2 with unit speed along a
straight line until it reaches the boundary 0Q, then instantaneously changes direction …