Investigating effective waterproofing materials in preventing roof leaking; initial comparative study: Malaysia, UK
This paper focuses on the waterproofing materials used for real project samples involving
real problem mainly with roof related leakage mostly happened in Malaysia and some cases …
real problem mainly with roof related leakage mostly happened in Malaysia and some cases …
An investigation into roof failures: Causes, effects and remedy
NF Boateng - 2021 - ir.knust.edu.gh
The roofing component of a building affects the long-term quality and life cycle cost of a
building. Roof is defined as the topmost covering of a building which provides shelter for the …
building. Roof is defined as the topmost covering of a building which provides shelter for the …
Choosing right waterproofing materials in preventing roof leaking: Comparing selected Malaysia and UK cases
The paper highlight on the waterproofing materials used for real project examples involving
real problem mainly with roof related leakage mostly happened in Malaysia and some cases …
real problem mainly with roof related leakage mostly happened in Malaysia and some cases …
[PDF][PDF] Factor effecting typical interior defects found in Malaysian building
R Talib, MZ Sulieman - 2020 - academia.edu
Building's interior defects affect society at large due to possible danger posed; they also
result in direct and indirect cost in repairs, abnormally high maintenance, disputes and …
result in direct and indirect cost in repairs, abnormally high maintenance, disputes and …
[PDF][PDF] International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research
KM Alfawaz, EIM Ibrahim - International Journal, 2018 - academia.edu
The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of information and communication
technology (ICT) in develo** English language teaching (ELT) and to examine teachers' …
technology (ICT) in develo** English language teaching (ELT) and to examine teachers' …