[HTML][HTML] Demographic, physical and mental health assessments in the adolescent brain and cognitive development study: Rationale and description
Abstract The Adolescent Brain and Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study incorporates a
comprehensive range of measures assessing predictors and outcomes related to both …
comprehensive range of measures assessing predictors and outcomes related to both …
Understanding pain catastrophizing: putting pieces together
The present narrative review addresses issues concerning the defining criteria and
conceptual underpinnings of pain catastrophizing. To date, the concept of pain …
conceptual underpinnings of pain catastrophizing. To date, the concept of pain …
Emotion regulation and psychopathology: The role of gender
S Nolen-Hoeksema - Annual review of clinical psychology, 2012 - annualreviews.org
This review addresses three questions regarding the relationships among gender, emotion
regulation, and psychopathology:(a) are there gender differences in emotion regulation …
regulation, and psychopathology:(a) are there gender differences in emotion regulation …
A heuristic for develo** transdiagnostic models of psychopathology: Explaining multifinality and divergent trajectories
S Nolen-Hoeksema… - … on psychological science, 2011 - journals.sagepub.com
Transdiagnostic models of psychopathology are increasingly prominent because they focus
on fundamental processes underlying multiple disorders, help to explain comorbidity among …
on fundamental processes underlying multiple disorders, help to explain comorbidity among …
Emotion-regulation strategies across psychopathology: A meta-analytic review
We examined the relationships between six emotion-regulation strategies (acceptance,
avoidance, problem solving, reappraisal, rumination, and suppression) and symptoms of …
avoidance, problem solving, reappraisal, rumination, and suppression) and symptoms of …
Gray's Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory as a framework for research on personality–psychopathology associations
P Bijttebier, I Beck, L Claes, W Vandereycken - Clinical psychology review, 2009 - Elsevier
Gray's Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory (RST) presupposes individual differences in the
sensitivity of basic brain systems that respond to punishing and reinforcing stimuli. These …
sensitivity of basic brain systems that respond to punishing and reinforcing stimuli. These …
Dare to delay? The impacts of adolescent alcohol and marijuana use onset on cognition, brain structure, and function
KM Lisdahl, ER Gilbart, NE Wright… - Frontiers in …, 2013 - frontiersin.org
Throughout the world, drug and alcohol use has a clear adolescent onset (Degenhardt et
al.,). Alcohol continues to be the most popular drug among teens and emerging adults, with …
al.,). Alcohol continues to be the most popular drug among teens and emerging adults, with …
Psychometrically improved, abbreviated versions of three classic measures of impulsivity and self-control.
Self-reported impulsivity confers risk factor for substance abuse. However, the psychometric
properties of many self-report impulsivity measures have been questioned, thereby …
properties of many self-report impulsivity measures have been questioned, thereby …
Impulsivity: Four ways five factors are not basic to addiction
Several impulsivity-related models have been applied to understanding the vulnerability to
addiction. While there is a growing consensus that impulsivity is multifaceted, debate …
addiction. While there is a growing consensus that impulsivity is multifaceted, debate …
The relationship between hypersexual behavior, sexual excitation, sexual inhibition, and personality traits
The term hypersexuality was introduced to describe excessive sexual behavior associated
with a person's inability to control his or her sexual behavior. The main aim of the present …
with a person's inability to control his or her sexual behavior. The main aim of the present …