A standardized archaeal taxonomy for the Genome Taxonomy Database

C Rinke, M Chuvochina, AJ Mussig, PA Chaumeil… - Nature …, 2021 - nature.com
The accrual of genomic data from both cultured and uncultured microorganisms provides
new opportunities to develop systematic taxonomies based on evolutionary relationships …

Cultivation of halophilic archaea (class Halobacteria) from thalassohaline and athalassohaline environments

HL Cui, ML Dyall-Smith - Marine Life Science & Technology, 2021 - Springer
As a group, the halophilic archaea (class Halobacteria) are the most salt-requiring and salt-
resistant microorganisms within the domain Archaea. Halophilic archaea flourish in …

Extremophiles: the species that evolve and survive under hostile conditions

BN Rekadwad, WJ Li, JM Gonzalez… - 3 Biotech, 2023 - Springer
Extremophiles possess unique cellular and molecular mechanisms to assist, tolerate, and
sustain their lives in extreme habitats. These habitats are dominated by one or more extreme …

Proposed minimal standards for description of new taxa of the class Halobacteria

HL Cui, J Hou, MA Amoozegar… - … of Systematic and …, 2024 - microbiologyresearch.org
Halophilic archaea of the class Halobacteria are the most salt-requiring prokaryotes within
the domain Archaea. In 1997, minimal standards for the description of new taxa in the order …

Genome-based classification of the class Halobacteria and description of Haladaptataceae fam. nov. and Halorubellaceae fam. nov

C Cui, D Han, J Hou, HL Cui - International Journal of …, 2023 - microbiologyresearch.org
Currently, there are four mainstream taxonomic opinions on the classification of the class
Halobacteria at the family and order levels. The International Committee on Systematics of …

Novel insights into the diversity of halophilic microorganisms and their functioning in hypersaline ecosystems

A Oren - npj Biodiversity, 2024 - nature.com
Our understanding of the microbial diversity inhabiting hypersaline environments, here
defined as containing> 100–150 g/L salts, has greatly increased in the past five years …

Himalayan microbiomes for agro-environmental sustainability: current perspectives and future challenges

DC Suyal, D Joshi, S Kumar, P Bhatt, A Narayan… - Microbial ecology, 2021 - Springer
The Himalayas are one of the most mystical, yet least studied terrains of the world. One of
Earth's greatest multifaceted and diverse montane ecosystems is also one of the thirty-four …

Discovery of the Streamlined Haloarchaeon Halorutilus salinus, Comprising a New Order Widespread in Hypersaline Environments across the World

A Durán-Viseras, C Sánchez-Porro, T Viver… - Msystems, 2023 - journals.asm.org
The class Halobacteria is one of the most diverse groups within the Euryarchaeota phylum,
whose members are ubiquitously distributed in hypersaline environments, where they often …

[HTML][HTML] Natranaeroarchaeum sulfidigenes gen. nov., sp. nov., carbohydrate-utilizing sulfur-respiring haloarchaeon from hypersaline soda lakes, a member of a new …

DY Sorokin, M Yakimov, E Messina, AY Merkel… - Systematic and Applied …, 2022 - Elsevier
A pure culture of alkaliphilic haloarchaeon strain AArc-S T capable of anaerobic growth by
carbohydrate-dependent sulfur respiration was obtained from hypersaline lakes in …

Microbial diversity and biosignatures: an icy moons perspective

M Jebbar, K Hickman-Lewis, B Cavalazzi… - Space Science …, 2020 - Springer
The icy moons of the outer Solar System harbor potentially habitable environments for life,
however, compared to the terrestrial biosphere, these environments are characterized by …