Semiconductor quantum dots as an ideal source of polarization-entangled photon pairs on-demand: a review
More than 80 years have passed since the first publication on entangled quantum states.
Over this period, the concept of spookily interacting quantum states became an emerging …
Over this period, the concept of spookily interacting quantum states became an emerging …
Epitaxial quantum dots: a semiconductor launchpad for photonic quantum technologies
Epitaxial quantum dots formed by III–V compound semiconductors are excellent sources of
non-classical photons, creating single photons and entangled multi-photon states on …
non-classical photons, creating single photons and entangled multi-photon states on …
Reducing phonon-induced decoherence in solid-state single-photon sources with cavity quantum electrodynamics
Solid-state emitters are excellent candidates for develo** integrated sources of single
photons. Yet, phonons degrade the photon indistinguishability both through pure dephasing …
photons. Yet, phonons degrade the photon indistinguishability both through pure dephasing …
Phonon-assisted emission and absorption of individual color centers in hexagonal boron nitride
Defect centers in hexagonal boron nitride represent room-temperature single-photon
sources in a layered van der Waals material. These light emitters appear with a wide range …
sources in a layered van der Waals material. These light emitters appear with a wide range …
[HTML][HTML] Coherent thermal transport in nano-phononic crystals: An overview
Nano-phononic crystals have attracted a great deal of research interest in the field of
nanoscale thermal transport due to their unique coherent thermal transport behavior. So far …
nanoscale thermal transport due to their unique coherent thermal transport behavior. So far …
Single quantum dot with microlens and 3D-printed micro-objective as integrated bright single-photon source
Integrated single-photon sources with high photon-extraction efficiency are key building
blocks for applications in the field of quantum communications. We report on a bright single …
blocks for applications in the field of quantum communications. We report on a bright single …
Non-Markovian features in semiconductor quantum optics: quantifying the role of phonons in experiment and theory
We discuss phonon-induced non-Markovian and Markovian features in QD-based quantum
nanooptics. We cover lineshapes in linear absorption experiments, phonon-induced …
nanooptics. We cover lineshapes in linear absorption experiments, phonon-induced …
Effect of spectral diffusion on the coherence properties of a single quantum emitter in hexagonal boron nitride
Quantum emitters capable of producing single photons on-demand with high color purity are
the building blocks of emerging schemes in secure quantum communications, quantum …
the building blocks of emerging schemes in secure quantum communications, quantum …
Resonant and phonon-assisted ultrafast coherent control of a single hBN color center
Single-photon emitters in solid-state systems are important building blocks for scalable
quantum technologies. Recently, quantum light emitters have been discovered in the wide …
quantum technologies. Recently, quantum light emitters have been discovered in the wide …
Hybrid nanophotonics
Advances in the field of plasmonics, ie, nano-photonics exploiting the optical properties of
metal nanostructures, paved the way for the development of ultrasensitive devices, including …
metal nanostructures, paved the way for the development of ultrasensitive devices, including …