[HTML][HTML] A survey on AI-driven digital twins in industry 4.0: Smart manufacturing and advanced robotics
Digital twin (DT) and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies have grown rapidly in recent
years and are considered by both academia and industry to be key enablers for Industry 4.0 …
years and are considered by both academia and industry to be key enablers for Industry 4.0 …
IoT platforms for the Internet of production
JB Hoffmann, P Heimes, S Senel - IEEE Internet of Things …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Digital platforms act as mediator for many types of transactions and processes in various
areas in business life. Especially, Internet of Things (IoT) platforms find increased use within …
areas in business life. Especially, Internet of Things (IoT) platforms find increased use within …
Industrie 4.0: Agile Entwicklung und Produktion im Internet of Production
G Schuh, M Riesener, JP Prote, C Dölle… - Handbuch Industrie 4.0 …, 2020 - Springer
Mit steigender Volatilität der Umwelt müssen Unternehmen in der Lage sein, schnell auf
Veränderungen wie z. B. verkürzte Produktlebenszyklen, verstärkten Preisdruck, höhere …
Veränderungen wie z. B. verkürzte Produktlebenszyklen, verstärkten Preisdruck, höhere …
The digital shadow of services: a reference model for comprehensive data collection in MRO services of machine manufacturers
G Schuh, P Jussen, T Harland - Procedia CIRP, 2018 - Elsevier
Today, machine manufacturers generate a significant share of their revenues with the
provision of services. At the same time, they are confronted with the challenge of adopting of …
provision of services. At the same time, they are confronted with the challenge of adopting of …
[PDF][PDF] 3.2 Predictive Quality–Data Analytics in produzierenden Unterneh-men
RH Schmitt, R Kurzhals, M Ellerich, G Nilgen… - Internet of Production …, 2020 - d-nb.info
Increasing product complexity and variety, more complex manufacturing processes and
rising sustainability requirements are major challenges for the continuous improvement of …
rising sustainability requirements are major challenges for the continuous improvement of …
Adaptive design of engineering change management in highly iterative product development
G Schuh, JP Prote, M Luckert, F Basse, V Thomson… - Procedia CIRP, 2018 - Elsevier
Abstract Efficient Engineering Change Management (ECM) is an important competency in
New Product Development. The increasing use of Highly Iterative Product Development as …
New Product Development. The increasing use of Highly Iterative Product Development as …
Internet of Production–Steigerung des Wertschöpfungsanteils durch domänenübergreifende Kollaboration
G Schuh, JP Prote, M Molitor, S Cremer - Handbuch Industrie 4.0: Band 2 …, 2024 - Springer
Zusammenfassung Der Ausruf von Industrie 4.0 im Jahre 2011 hat hohe Erwartungen an die
Steigerung von Produktivität und Wertschöpfung geweckt–diese sind bis heute nicht im …
Steigerung von Produktivität und Wertschöpfung geweckt–diese sind bis heute nicht im …
Data-based improvement of engineering change impact analyses in manufacturing
G Schuh, A Guetzlaff, F Sauermann, M Krug - Procedia CIRP, 2021 - Elsevier
Due to dynamic business environments and volatile customer requirements, manufacturing
companies are increasingly relying on agile development methods to implement changes to …
companies are increasingly relying on agile development methods to implement changes to …
[PDF][PDF] Informationssystem-Architekturen produzierender Unternehmen bei software-definierten Plattformen
J Hoffmann - 2018 - publications.rwth-aachen.de
Zusammenfassung Die Nutzung von Daten und die Generierung von Information werden für
Unternehmen immer wichtiger. Das zeigt sich beispielsweise an ökonomischen Faktoren …
Unternehmen immer wichtiger. Das zeigt sich beispielsweise an ökonomischen Faktoren …
Assessment of IS integration efforts to implement the internet of production reference architecture
G Schuh, J Hoffmann, M Bleider, V Zeller - Collaborative Networks of …, 2018 - Springer
As part of a collaborative network, manufacturing companies are required to be agile and
accelerate their decision making. To do so, a high amount of data is available and needs to …
accelerate their decision making. To do so, a high amount of data is available and needs to …