[HTML][HTML] A survey on AI-driven digital twins in industry 4.0: Smart manufacturing and advanced robotics

Z Huang, Y Shen, J Li, M Fey, C Brecher - Sensors, 2021 - mdpi.com
Digital twin (DT) and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies have grown rapidly in recent
years and are considered by both academia and industry to be key enablers for Industry 4.0 …

IoT platforms for the Internet of production

JB Hoffmann, P Heimes, S Senel - IEEE Internet of Things …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Digital platforms act as mediator for many types of transactions and processes in various
areas in business life. Especially, Internet of Things (IoT) platforms find increased use within …

Industrie 4.0: Agile Entwicklung und Produktion im Internet of Production

G Schuh, M Riesener, JP Prote, C Dölle… - Handbuch Industrie 4.0 …, 2020 - Springer
Mit steigender Volatilität der Umwelt müssen Unternehmen in der Lage sein, schnell auf
Veränderungen wie z. B. verkürzte Produktlebenszyklen, verstärkten Preisdruck, höhere …

The digital shadow of services: a reference model for comprehensive data collection in MRO services of machine manufacturers

G Schuh, P Jussen, T Harland - Procedia CIRP, 2018 - Elsevier
Today, machine manufacturers generate a significant share of their revenues with the
provision of services. At the same time, they are confronted with the challenge of adopting of …

[PDF][PDF] 3.2 Predictive Quality–Data Analytics in produzierenden Unterneh-men

RH Schmitt, R Kurzhals, M Ellerich, G Nilgen… - Internet of Production …, 2020 - d-nb.info
Increasing product complexity and variety, more complex manufacturing processes and
rising sustainability requirements are major challenges for the continuous improvement of …

Adaptive design of engineering change management in highly iterative product development

G Schuh, JP Prote, M Luckert, F Basse, V Thomson… - Procedia CIRP, 2018 - Elsevier
Abstract Efficient Engineering Change Management (ECM) is an important competency in
New Product Development. The increasing use of Highly Iterative Product Development as …

Internet of Production–Steigerung des Wertschöpfungsanteils durch domänenübergreifende Kollaboration

G Schuh, JP Prote, M Molitor, S Cremer - Handbuch Industrie 4.0: Band 2 …, 2024 - Springer
Zusammenfassung Der Ausruf von Industrie 4.0 im Jahre 2011 hat hohe Erwartungen an die
Steigerung von Produktivität und Wertschöpfung geweckt–diese sind bis heute nicht im …

Data-based improvement of engineering change impact analyses in manufacturing

G Schuh, A Guetzlaff, F Sauermann, M Krug - Procedia CIRP, 2021 - Elsevier
Due to dynamic business environments and volatile customer requirements, manufacturing
companies are increasingly relying on agile development methods to implement changes to …

[PDF][PDF] Informationssystem-Architekturen produzierender Unternehmen bei software-definierten Plattformen

J Hoffmann - 2018 - publications.rwth-aachen.de
Zusammenfassung Die Nutzung von Daten und die Generierung von Information werden für
Unternehmen immer wichtiger. Das zeigt sich beispielsweise an ökonomischen Faktoren …

Assessment of IS integration efforts to implement the internet of production reference architecture

G Schuh, J Hoffmann, M Bleider, V Zeller - Collaborative Networks of …, 2018 - Springer
As part of a collaborative network, manufacturing companies are required to be agile and
accelerate their decision making. To do so, a high amount of data is available and needs to …