A decision support tool for urban freight transport planning based on a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm

F Miguel, M Frutos, F Tohmé, MM Babey - IEEE Access, 2019‏ - ieeexplore.ieee.org
We present an optimization procedure based on a hybrid version of an evolutionary multi-
objective decision-making algorithm for its application in urban freight transportation …

[PDF][PDF] A MILP model for the municipal solid waste selective collection routing problem

A Korcyl, R Książek, K Gdowska - Decision Making in …, 2019‏ - bibliotekanauki.pl
Nowadays, selective solid waste management in the European Union belongs to important
responsibilities of municipalities. In Solid Waste Management (SWM) the main operational …

Regional geoinformation modeling of ground access to the forest fires in Russia

E Podolskaia, K Kovganko, D Ershov - Information Fusion and Intelligent …, 2020‏ - Springer
Every year forest fires in Russia, arising on large areas, cause significant damage to the
forests, infrastructure and livelihoods of local population. Paper presents an overview of …

[HTML][HTML] Facility location problem of beverage distribution considering time window and land use plan using GIS

ES Lee, AD Dybing, S Shakya - Beverages, 2015‏ - mdpi.com
As the boundaries and population of urban areas expand, beverage distributors may seek to
expand the capacity in their distribution centers. As a result, they may need to add new …

Constrained Quadratic Model Formulations for MDCVRPTW: Quantum Vs Classical

S Kadambi, MVP Rao - 2024 16th International Conference on …, 2024‏ - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The Vehicle Routing Problem is a combinatorial optimization problem of immense practical
importance, and has been studied extensively in the past. In this paper, we discuss classical …

[PDF][PDF] Biased randomised heuristics for location routing problem

AI Almouhanna - 2019‏ - pure.port.ac.uk
In this research work, we consider various classes of the Location Routing Problem
namely:(1) Location Routing Problem with Single Depot (LRPSD),(2) Multi-Depot Vehicle …

Survey on Vehicle/Fleet Tracking Methods Applied in the Transportation and Construction Industry

G Kovács, Z Rózsa - Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering, 2015‏ - pp.bme.hu
The need for monitoring vehicles and equipment during their activity is growing as the
globalization spreads. The companies require distinct information about their machines …

[PDF][PDF] Coğrafi bilgi sistemleri tabanlı rota planlama: Likya bölgesi Idebessos Antik kenti

S Selim, NK Sönmez - Türkiye Ormancılık Dergisi, 2017‏ - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Bu çalışmanın amacı, bir turizm kenti olan Antalya'da bulunan, önemli tarihi ve kültürel
değerlere sahip, ancak günümüzde hala çok iyi bilinmeyen Idebessos antik kenti için doğa …

A Patient Risk Minimization Model for Post-Disaster Medical Delivery Using Unmanned Aircraft Systems

MJ Simpson - 2022‏ - commons.erau.edu
A Patient Risk Minimization Model for Post-Disaster Medical Delivery Using Unmanned
Aircraft Systems Page 1 Doctoral Dissertations and Master's Theses Summer 2022 A …

[PDF][PDF] GIS Utilization for Delivering a Time Condition Products

NI Sharaf, BT Shabana… - International Journal of …, 2017‏ - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
As population is increasing rapidly all over the world, the need for delivering products is
being more difficult especially for conditional products (products with life time). Many …