Mechanical Characterization of Multifunctional Metal-Coated Polymer Lattice Structures

L Wang, L He, F Liu, H Yuan, J Li, M Chen - Materials, 2024 -
Metal-coated lattice structures hold significant promise for customizing mechanical
properties in diverse industrial applications, including the mechanical arms of unmanned …

Evaluation of noise mitigation by different materials and balcony configurations in urban street canyon facades: Casework in Aburrá Valley, Colombia

J Rendón Giraldo, HA Colorado - Journal of Architectural …, 2024 -
The following work evaluates the acoustic performance of different sound-absorbing
materials and balcony configurations used in the facades of urban street canyons in the …

Shear Strength and Consolidation Behaviour of Kaolin Clay Reinforced with a Granular Column Backfilled with Crushed Waste Glass

D Kazmi, M Serati, DJ Williams, SQ Olaya… - Geotechnical and …, 2024 - Springer
Granular columns are commonly used for ground improvement. However, minimal research
is presently available on the effect of backfill particle size on the geotechnical performance …

Enhancing the compressive strength of M30 grade of concrete using pumice with 50% GGBS and metakaolin comparing with conventional concrete

S Manoj, TS Lakshmi - E3S Web of Conferences, 2024 -
The aim is to compare the conventional concrete by employing a mix of M30 grade concrete,
a novel pumice aggregate is used to partially replace the coarse aggregate to create …

Prospectiva Estratégica: herramienta para la planificación del futuro deseable que impulse el desarrollo del clúster lácteo del Norte de Antioquia

DJ Carrillo Cantillo - 2022 -
En la actualidad el sector lácteo colombiano afronta situaciones adversas, a causa de
diversos factores como: baja productividad, producción y competitividad; carencia de …

Relations between urban configuration, urban surfaces, and environmental noise in the Aburrá Valley (Colombia)

J Rendón Giraldo - 2023 -
The increase in the levels of noise pollution in large cities depends on several factors that
are not always linked to the noise source (road traffic, aircrafts traffic, rail traffic, industries …

Design Research on Climate-Responsive Building Skins from Prototype and Case Study Perspectives

Z Lin, Y Song - Advanced Materials in Smart Building Skins for …, 2022 - Springer
As low-carbon and sustainable development has become a global trend, climate-responsive
building envelopes still gain traction in the architecture world. However, relevant design and …

[PDF][PDF] Studying The Role of Phase Change Materials in Improving the Thermal Performance Efficiency of Adaptive Building Envelopes Prof./Abd El-Rahman …

AM Youssef, AML Abd El-Hamid, ALYA Abd El, M Ward -
In the context of unsustainable approaches, buildings are increasingly dependent on
mechanical systems to ensure quality requirements of thermal indoor environment, which …